it should display 2. If not, refer to
Troubleshooting below.
2. Press the Enter button or the LCD external button until
reaching the Meter status screen showing the total energy
[Wh]. There is a status screen for each meter function. For
example, for an import meter and a production
meter, there will be three status screens: for export, import
and production. The following is an example of an export
E x p o r t M e t e r
S t a t u s : < O K >
< E r r o r M e s s a g e >
T o t a l [ W h ] : X X X X X X X
: Displays OK if the meter is communicating with the
communication board.
<Error message:>
If an internal meter error occurs, it will be
Troubleshooting Meter Connection
Total [Wh]
: The amount of Watts per hour of the
designated meter.
If the SolarEdge device is connected to the SolarEdge
server, this value will also be displayed in the monitoring
Energy Meter with Modbus Connection Installation Guide MAN-01-00269-1.5
Appendix B: Installing Two Meters