Chapter 1: Introduction
The following terms are used in this document:
Export: The power injected to the grid.
Import: The power purchased from the grid.
Export/Import meter: A meter that is installed at the grid
connection point and measures the energy/power
exported/imported to/from the grid.
Consumption: The power consumed by the site.
Consumption meter: A meter that is installed at the load
consumption point and measures the energy/power
consumed by the site.
Self-consumption: The PV power consumed by the site
and not fed into the grid.
Production: The power produced by the PV system.
Production meter: A meter that is installed at the inverter
output or site AC connection, and measures the
energy/power produced by the PV system or site.
Energy Meter with Modbus Connection Installation Guide MAN-01-00269-1.5
Chapter 1: Introduction