Although the Digital Inclinometer Pro System is a robust unit, it still
needs to be treated with care and properly maintained.
The Digital Inclinometer Pro System is supplied with a cloth for
removing moisture and dirt and an oil pen for maintaining the
moving parts, such as the wheel assemblies. It is important that these
components are kept clean and regularly oiled to preserve the quality
of the parts.
The Digital Inclinometer Pro System and all its components should be
wiped clean and the wheel assemblies oiled after each use.
When using the inclinometer on site, the cable needs to be well
maintained and kept away from all sharp or abrasive objects that
could cause cable damage. For this purpose, we recommend that
after the cable has been fully extended to the bottom of the borehole
and the A0 reading process has started, that the inclinometers cable is
either wound back onto the inclinometer hub or placed in a suitable
container. If multiple data sets on one borehole are required, it may
be more appropriate to have a dedicated container on site to place
the inclinometer cable into. The cable should be placed in an orderly
fashion, ensuring no kinks and twists are present.
It is important to pay attention to how the inclinometer is used in
conjunction with the cable gate. The inclinometer cable markers
should never be dropped into the cable gate. You must ensure that
at each depth the cable markers are placed into the gate; if this is
not adhered to you risk the possibility of applying additional stresses
into the cable. If the cable markers are dropped into the cable gate,
depending on the height at which they are dropped, there is the risk
of causing cable marker slippage. If this were to occur, the readings
would be offset at each depth and would not align with previous
readings taken on the same borehole.
It is essential that any twist on the cable is reversed immediately. This
may only be noticed when the inclinometer is replaced in its cradle
on the reel, however all that is required to reverse the twist is that the
probe is rotated, as required, until there is no more twist in the cable.
This twisting may not always be obvious; to ensure that you can see any
twisting that is occurring, we recommend that the cable is cleaned and
inspected regularly.
Maintaining the Digital Inclinometer Pro System