Recording Inclinometer Surveys
During a survey, the probe is drawn from the bottom to the top
of the inclinometer casing. This is called a “pass”. A complete
survey consists of two passes, a “0 pass” and a “180 pass”.
Inclinometer casing is installed with one set of grooves aligned with the
expected direction of movement (downhill or towards the excavation).
These are the “A” grooves.
Only the A-grooves are used in the survey. The A0 groove is usually
marked for easy identification.
To maintain accurate depth control, cut the inclinometer casing
as level as possible after installation to ensure the cable gate fits
securely over the casing. You must not cut the casing if readings
have been taken previously.
Soil Instruments recommend marking the A0 direction on the
inclinometer casing with a permanent marker to make sure the
borehole is always read with the correct orientation.