RollCall Control Panel Channel Operation Screens
Issue 1 Rev 8
Page 123
© 2015 SAM
11.5.1 Sync Mode
The Sync Mode check box disables the ARC feature when input and output formats are the
same. This gives the lowest latency.
11.5.2 Signaling Detected
Signaling Detected shows the status of any aspect ratio signaling detected at the input. If
Status shows “None”, no valid signaling is detected.
11.5.3 Sidebar Keying & Output Crop
The Sidebar Keying & Output Crop functionality provides post ARC cropping of the output
picture and allows a second video picture to be keyed into the cropped area. When output
cropping is enabled, the actual size of the output picture does not change, just how much of
the active picture remains visible. The portion that is “cropped” is either default black (in
Output Crop mode) or is replaced by a secondary video picture (in Sidebar Key mode) – the
“cropped” portion still forms part of the output picture.
Disables both Output Crop and Sidebar Keying.
Output Crop:
Crops the output picture. In this mode the cropped area is black by
default. The cropped area is defined using the Output Crop Position controls. See see
Sidebar Key:
Keys a second video picture into the cropped area, as defined using
the Output Crop Position controls (see see section When selected, the
source of the second video picture is becomes available in the Sidebar Key Source
menu. See page 124.
Output Crop Position
The Output Crop position controls enable you to adjust which portion of the video picture is
visible by applying a border around the outside of the picture. The controls do not alter the
output active picture size – each control separately defines a percentage of the picture to be
replaced by a border. In Output Crop mode, the border is default black. In Sidebar Key mode,
the border is the “key” area replaced by the secondary Sidebar Key video source.
Controls are paired: top with bottom and left with right. A pair of controls has limitations to
prevent an overlap. The rule is that only 99% of the picture can be cropped, either horizontally
or vertically. For example, if Top is set to 50%, Bottom cannot exceed 49%.
Crops the output picture, from the top-edge down. The adjustment range is 0%
to 99% in 1% steps (0%). The default is 0%.
Crops the output picture, from the bottom-edge up. The adjustment range is
0% to 99% in 1% steps. The default is 0%.
Crops the output picture, from the left-edge right. The adjustment range is 0% to
99% in 1% steps. The default is 0%.
Crops the output picture, from the right-edge left. The adjustment range is 0%
to 99% in 1% steps. The default is 0%.