Step 9:
There will probably be a small level mismatch between the speakers and headphones, so take
the headphones off and put them back on several times, and use the volume control on the Stax
headphone drive unit to make the headphone level the same as the speaker level.
You are now set up and operating. You can build libraries of listeners, rooms, and headphone models.
Every file set represents the full experience of being in another environment, with room acoustics,
speaker locations, and sound system performance captured for use any time and anywhere.
The Realiser will provide a satisfying and accurate experience following the basic procedures already
described, and for some applications, no further setup or adjustment is necessary. However, the
Realiser also provides a rich set of functions and controls which can serve to optimise and otherwise
adjust Realiser operations for critical applications and user preferences. These are discussed in the
following sections.