Grill Assembly
Step 15:
Locate: Fig. 15A shows the inside of the Control
Panel Assembly ( CP has (3) gas valves mounted
on a manifold connected to the Hose, Sear Burner
Valve and Regulator assembly (HVR). There is an
Electronic Ignition assembly attached, which has
(4) ignitor wires of different lengths to attach to
each burner tube and the Sear Burner and (4)
M6x15 bolts.
Refer to Fig. 15B and carefully thread the HVR with
the Sear Burner ignitor wire through the opening
in the front face of the Grill, make a turn to the
left and bring it out through the opening in the
left side of the Grill (Fig.15C). Allow it to hang free,
as we will later make the connection to the Sear
Step15: Install
the Control
Panel As-
: Fig. 15A s
hows the ins
ide of the
Control Panel
Assembly (
CP has (3)
valves mou
nted on a manif
old connect
to the Hose,
Sear Burner
Valve and Regu-
lator assembly
(HVR). There
is an Elec-
tronic Ignitio
n assembly
attached, whic
has (4) ignit
er wires of d
ifferent lengt
hs to
attach to ea
ch burner tu
be and the
Burner and
(4) M6x15 bo
Refer to Fig.
15B and ca
thread the HVR
with the Sear
Burner ig-
niter wire thr
ough the op
ening in the
face of the
Grill, make
a turn to the
left and
bring it out
through the
opening in
the left
side of the G
rill. Allow it
to hang free,
we will later
make the c
onnection to
Sear Burner.
Refer to Fig.
15C, and not
e that at eac
opening for
the valve an
d burner co
tion, there is
a small key
hole slot. Th
e Ig-
niter Wires
are number
ed 1 to 3, s
with # 1 as
the Left Bur
ner. Carefully
each of the
ignition wires
through the
to dangle in
side, resting
in the keyhole
slot. The sh
ortest wire is
# 1 and the
est is for #
3. We will at
tach these w
ires to
each burne
r tube when
we install th
e burn-
ers. Check
to be certain
that no wires
become disc
onnected fr
om the Ignit
Position the
Control Panel
in place agains
the Front P
anel and fas
ten it with (4)
M6x15 bolts
from inside
the Grill – s
ee Fig.
Burner 2
Burner 1
Burner 3
Step15: Install the Control Panel As-
: Fig. 15A shows the inside of the
Control Panel Assembly ( CP has (3) gas
valves mounted on a manifold connected
to the Hose, Sear Burner Valve and Regu-
lator assembly (HVR). There is an Elec-
tronic Ignition assembly attached, which
has (4) igniter wires of different lengths to
attach to each burner tube and the Sear
Burner and (4) M6x15 bolts.
Refer to Fig. 15B and carefully
thread the HVR with the Sear Burner ig-
niter wire through the opening in the front
face of the Grill, make a turn to the left and
bring it out through the opening in the left
side of the Grill. Allow it to hang free, as
we will later make the connection to the
Sear Burner.
Refer to Fig. 15C, and note that at each
opening for the valve and burner connec-
tion, there is a small keyhole slot. The Ig-
niter Wires are numbered 1 to 3, starting
with # 1 as the Left Burner. Carefully push
each of the ignition wires through the holes
to dangle inside, resting in the keyhole
slot. The shortest wire is # 1 and the long-
est is for # 3. We will attach these wires to
each burner tube when we install the burn-
ers. Check to be certain that no wires have
become disconnected from the Igniter
Position the Control Panel in place against
the Front Panel and fasten it with (4)
M6x15 bolts from inside the Grill – see Fig.
Burner 2
Burner 1
Burner 3
Step15: Install the Control Panel As-
: Fig. 15A shows the inside of the
Control Panel Assembly ( CP has (3) gas
valves mounted on a manifold connected
to the Hose, Sear Burner Valve and Regu-
lator assembly (HVR). There is an Elec-
tronic Ignition assembly attached, which
has (4) igniter wires of different lengths to
attach to each burner tube and the Sear
Burner and (4) M6x15 bolts.
Refer to Fig. 15B and carefully
thread the HVR with the Sear Burner ig-
niter wire through the opening in the front
face of the Grill, make a turn to the left and
bring it out through the opening in the left
side of the Grill. Allow it to hang free, as
we will later make the connection to the
Sear Burner.
Refer to Fig. 15C, and note that at each
opening for the valve and burner connec-
tion, there is a small keyhole slot. The Ig-
niter Wires are numbered 1 to 3, starting
with # 1 as the Left Burner. Carefully push
each of the ignition wires through the holes
to dangle inside, resting in the keyhole
slot. The shortest wire is # 1 and the long-
est is for # 3. We will attach these wires to
each burner tube when we install the burn-
ers. Check to be certain that no wires have
become disconnected from the Igniter
Position the Control Panel in place against
the Front Panel and fasten it with (4)
M6x15 bolts from inside the Grill – see Fig.
Burner 2
Burner 1
Burner 3
Step15: Install the Control Panel As-
: Fig. 15A shows the inside of the
Control Panel Assembly ( CP has (3) gas
valves mounted on a manifold connected
to the Hose, Sear Burner Valve and Regu-
lator assembly (HVR). There is an Elec-
tronic Ignition assembly attached, which
has (4) igniter wires of different lengths to
attach to each burner tube and the Sear
Burner and (4) M6x15 bolts.
Refer to Fig. 15B and carefully
thread the HVR with the Sear Burner ig-
niter wire through the opening in the front
face of the Grill, make a turn to the left and
bring it out through the opening in the left
side of the Grill. Allow it to hang free, as
we will later make the connection to the
Sear Burner.
Refer to Fig. 15C, and note that at each
opening for the valve and burner connec-
tion, there is a small keyhole slot. The Ig-
niter Wires are numbered 1 to 3, starting
with # 1 as the Left Burner. Carefully push
each of the ignition wires through the holes
to dangle inside, resting in the keyhole
slot. The shortest wire is # 1 and the long-
est is for # 3. We will attach these wires to
each burner tube when we install the burn-
ers. Check to be certain that no wires have
become disconnected from the Igniter
Position the Control Panel in place against
the Front Panel and fasten it with (4)
M6x15 bolts from inside the Grill – see Fig.
Burner 2
Burner 1
Burner 3
Step15: Install the Control Panel As-
: Fig. 15A shows the inside of the
Control Panel Assembly ( CP has (3) gas
valves mounted on a manifold connected
to the Hose, Sear Burner Valve and Regu-
lator assembly (HVR). There is an Elec-
tronic Ignition assembly attached, which
has (4) igniter wires of different lengths to
attach to each burner tube and the Sear
Burner and (4) M6x15 bolts.
Refer to Fig. 15B and carefully
thread the HVR with the Sear Burner ig-
niter wire through the opening in the front
face of the Grill, make a turn to the left and
bring it out through the opening in the left
side of the Grill. Allow it to hang free, as
we will later make the connection to the
Sear Burner.
Refer to Fig. 15C, and note that at each
opening for the valve and burner connec-
tion, there is a small keyhole slot. The Ig-
niter Wires are numbered 1 to 3, starting
with # 1 as the Left Burner. Carefully push
each of the ignition wires through the holes
to dangle inside, resting in the keyhole
slot. The shortest wire is # 1 and the long-
est is for # 3. We will attach these wires to
each burner tube when we install the burn-
ers. Check to be certain that no wires have
become disconnected from the Igniter
Position the Control Panel in place against
the Front Panel and fasten it with (4)
M6x15 bolts from inside the Grill – see Fig.
Burner 2
Burner 1
Burner 3
Refer to Fig. 15D, note that at each opening
for the valve and burner connection, there
is a small keyhole slot. The Ignitor Wires are
numbered 1 to 3, starting with # 1 as the Left
Burner. Carefully push each of the ignition
wires through the holes to dangle inside,
resting in the keyhole slot. The shortest wire
is # 1 and the longest is for # 3. We will attach
these wires to each burner tube when we
install the burners. Check to be certain that
no wires have become disconnected from
the Ignitor Housing.
Position the Control Panel in place against
the Front Panel and fasten it with (4) M6x15
bolts from inside the Grill – see Fig.15D.
Fig. 15A
Ignitor Wire 3
Sear Burner
Ignitor Wire 2
Ignitor Wire 1
Sear Burner
Fig. 15B
Fig. 15C
Fig. 15D