POSYC 4301/4302/4303 series industrial PCs
Installation, use and maintenance manual - EN
Rev. 1.02
5 Technical data
5.1 Environmental specifications
5.2 Electrical characteristics
The following characteristics refer to the standard POSYC computer load as supplied, without any connected
peripheral device.
All the technical information reported in this section are consistent with the hardware con-
figuration of the POSYC computer produced at the date of writing of this document. With the
aim of improving or updating the product technologically, SMITEC S.p.A. reserves the right
to change the technical features of the POSYC computer without notice.
Operating temperature
0° ÷ 50°C: panel mounted
0° ÷ 45°C: when operating with a dedicated body KG020082/4
Storage temperature
-20° ÷ +60°C (when not operational)
Relative humidity
0 ÷ 90% (without condensation)
Protection degree
IP65 or ''UL type 1'' (panel mounted or with dedicated body)
Maximum altitude
2000 m a.s.l
Main power supply voltage
24 VDC (-15% ÷ + 20% according to IEC 61131-2) from CLASS
2 power supply (UL)
Current consumption
Max 1.25A @ 24VDC
Absorbed power
Max 30.0W