Intrusion of the Surge Voltage
How to Exchange Pilot Valves
Connection of Tubing
The surge voltage created when the power supply is
cut off could apply to the de-energized load equipment
through the output circuit. In cases where the energ-
ized load equipment has a larger capacity (power con-
sumption) and is connected to the same power supply
as the product, the surge voltage could malfunction
and/or damage the internal circuit element of the prod-
uct and the internal device of the output equipment.
To avoid this situation, place an diode which can sup-
press the surge voltage between the COM lines of the
load equipment and output equipment.
<For plug lead>
1) Remove the stopper plate from the adapter plate assembly by
using a flat driver on the concave of the stopper plate.
2) Take off the pilot valve in horizontal direction.
1) Mount the pilot valve on the adapter plate assembly.
2) Insert the stopper plate into the adapter plate so that the stop-
per plate will not protrude from the end of the adapter plate.
Pilot valve assembly
Adapter plate assembly
Stopper plate
<Plug lead For Barb fittings>
1) Perpendicularly cut the tube to the necessary length by using
an SMC tube cutter TK-1, 2 or 3.
2) Firmly insert the tube into the barb fitting. Insufficient insertion
of the tube could cause the air leakage and/or disconnection of
the tube.
3) When inserting the tube into the barb fitting, move the tube in
parallel to the axis of the barb fitting to avoid any excessive
side load to the fitting.
4) Pay attention not to apply any excessive side load to the barb
fitting when removing it from the tube. When using a tube cut-
ter or something similar, be careful not to damage or crack the
5) Do not apply any excessive load such as tensile, compressive
or bending force to the tube once connected.
Specific Product Precautions 4
Be sure to read before handling.
Refer to front matters 58 and 59 for Safety Instructions and pages 3 to 7 for 3/4/5 Port
Solenoid Valve Precautions.
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