BBW.0400 BalanceBox 400-xx & BBW.0650 BalanceBox 650-xx
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SmartMetals Mounting Solutions B.V. • Vlietskade 8016 • 4241 WS ARKEL• The Netherlands
+31 (0)88 70 60 100 •
Copyright ©
Nothing contained in this publication may be copied and/or
published by means of printing, photocopying, microfilm or any
other means, without prior written permission from SmartMetals
Mounting Solutions B.V. The instructions in this manual are
originally written in English.
Setting the springs
Adjust only the outer springs:
• Adjust the height of the outer springs equally
• Make sure that the application is balanced
• Increase the spring tension as much as possible
• Make sure that the application does not move up
Guarantee terms and conditions
Download and read the SmartMetals Mounting Solutions B.V.
guarantee terms and conditions at www.smartmetals.nl.
Never adjust the inner springs!
BBW.0400 BalanceBox 400mm Series
BBW.0650 BalanceBox 650mm Series
How to use this manual
1. Read the manual carefully before you install the
2. Carry out the actions fully and in the given
3. The BalanceBox guarantee is voided if the
product is not correctly installed or modified in any
Warning symbols used
Sharp edges
Wear gloves
Physical load
Two people required
Entanglement hazard
WARNING: Can cause personal injury or
equipment damage.
Intended use
The BalanceBox is a system that compensates the mass of
vertically moving applications to ease vertical movement of the
The BalanceBox complies with:
• IEC 60950-1:2005, 2nd Edition, Am1:2009 +
• UL 60950-1, 2nd Edition, 2014-10-14
• CAN/CSA C22,2 No. 60950-1-07, 2nd Edition,
General warning
The application may only be attached to or removed from
the BalanceBox when the BalanceBox is in closed position. The
BalanceBox is under strong spring force.
Only operate the BalanceBox with an adequately balanced
application attached to the application frame.
Do not remove any parts of the BalanceBox. Only the finishing
cover can be removed.
Mounting fittings
Mounting fittings are not included with the product. Obtain
advice from a specialist.
Disposal of the BalanceBox
Springs should be unattached before disposal of the BalanceBox.
Sort the BalanceBox, the accessories and the packaging for
environmentally friendly recycling.