LAC-25 Technical Reference Manual
-- Tell (K) Constants --
0 <= n <= 1
This command will display a number of internal settings depending on the value specified
by 'n'. If 'n' is "0" or is not specified, then various parametric values for the servo axis specified by 'a'
will be displayed. If 'n' is "1", then various system parameters will be displayed.
Example display for the command "1TK0":
Parameter Values for Axis [1]
Proportional Gain ---------- (SG) = 0
Integral Gain -------------- (SI) = 0
Derivative Gain ------------ (SD) = 0
Integral Limit ------------- (IL) = 0
Current Gain --------------- (SC) = 0
Velocity Feed-forward Gain - (FV) = 0
Accel. Feed-forward Gain --- (FA) = 0
Output Offset -------------- (OO) = 0
Position Error Dead-Band --- (DB) = 0
Maximum Following Error ---- (SE) = 16383
Integral Sample Rate ------- (RI) = 0
Derivative Sample Rate ----- (FR) = 0
Phase and Sense Settings --- (PH) = 0
Maximum Velocity ----------- (SV) = 0
Acceleration --------------- (SA) = 0
Desired Direction ---------- (DI) = 0
Torque (output) Limit ------ (SQ) = 32767
Axis Type ------------------ (OM) = 0
Example display for the command "TK1":
System Parameter Settings (group 1).
Axis 1 Enabled ------------- (EA) = Yes
Axis 2 Enabled ------------- (EA) = Yes
Base 16 Input & Output -- (HM/DM) = Off
Character Echo ---------- (EN/EF) = On
Handshake --------------- (HN/HF) = Off
Fail -------------------- (FN/FF) = Off
Servo Loop Rate ------------ (SS) = 2
Input Debounce/Delay ------- (ID) = 0
Phase and Sense Settings --- (CV) = 0
Intr. Vector Enable, HIGH (EV/DV) = 0
Intr. Vector Enable, LOW (EV/DV) = 0
Firmware Revision ---------- (VE) = 3.30