2-Year cHecK
After 24 Months DHV requires a service check of your wing.
The 2 Year Check Test as described in the DHV requirements, can be accomplished by
the manufacturer, or service centers contracted by the manufacturer, or by the
owner himself.
The service check is to be confirmed with a DHV stamp or brand.
If the Service check is not performed in the authorized time frame, or is done by an
unauthorized center, your skywalk SCOTCH.HY wing will lose its manufacturing valida-
tion. We recommend that you do not perform the check yourself, as you may not have
the authorized or correct instruments or devices to properly test your wing, or are not
fully competent to perform this check. Therefore an air certification is not garanteed.
changes or alterations to your Paragliding wing
The skywalk SCOTCH.HY is garanteed to be in the required manufacturing tolerances
when leaving the factory.
This tolerance range is very exact and should never be changed. The correct balance
of performance, handling, and safety is garanteed.
Any change to the wing done by yourself or others will effectively cancel the commer-
cial garantee of the manufacturer.
tHereFOre anY lIaBIlItY OF tHe ManUFactUrer Or SaleS
center IS aUtOMatIcallY cancelleD.
The diverse Certification tests as well as the DULV certification is the final phase in the
development process of the wing manufacturer. The certifications and Test flight is
thus accomplished only when the Testing Team is totally satisfied with the results of the
wing performance. We want to make you aware that the certification test results have
no real effect to the flying characteristics or performance of the wing in thermally acti-
ve or turbulent air. Certifications only provide you with performance characteristics of
the wing when performing extreme flight manuevers in normal or calm air. The provo-
cated extreme flight manuevers as described in the certification and validation testing
procedures should be handled only as one benchmark in a complex row of correlating
relationships to your wings performance characteristics, and should not be over rated.