When flying into hard or strong thermals do not brake, instead open up the wing, and
reduce your motor speed, so that you don’t get involved in a dynamic loss of lift, stall
to the wing. When exiting a strong thermal be sure to brake more to keep the wing
from overshooting, and increase your motor speed. This will avoid getting a front stall
of the wings leading edge.
landing (with Propeller or Motor Off)
The skywalk SCOTCH.HY is simple to land. When making your final approach against
the wind, let the wing glide out in combination with light braking. When the wing has
reached a level of 1 meter over ground, increase your braking as this will decrease the
angle of attack of the wing and will slow the wing. After you have reached the minimum
sinking speed, brake strongly in the end.
If you experience a strong approach wind, apply your brakes only lightly. Only when you
have touched down and successfully landed should you allow the wing to stall
out careflully.
Landing flying steep curves in the final approach should absolutely be avoided. (Danger
of Occilation)
landing (with Motor running)
You may also want to land using the support of motor power.
The flight level height and speed can then be controlled with the help of your brakes
and motor torque to control the landing approach and touch down.
IF tHe rOtOrInG PrOPeller MaKeS cOntact WItH tHe GrOUnD,
BecaUSe tHe PIlOt SacKeD a lIttle In tHe KneeS, IS a craSH