DO nOt Over BraKe YOUr WInG?
Deep stall
In this condition your paragliding wing will not have any forward flight tendency, instead
will flutter above you and have a higher rate of sink.
The cause of this deep stall flight condition is often through a poorly performed B Stall
especially when the pilot is too slow in releasing the B Level Gurt, during the reopeing
Wings which have a very porose surface, caused through age and heavy UV radiation
overdose, or through use with winch tow systems, which cause a heavy strain on the
wing materials and especially on the A lines, are especially subject to backstall.
The Pilot can try and correct this flying condition by lightly pulling forward on the A
Gurt at the height of the line locks, or through apply pressure on his speed bar.
The skywalk SCOTCH.HY normally should correct itself automatically to get out of this
backstall condition.
Be aDvISeD tHat In tHe event OF a BacKStall anD tHe PIlOt
actUateS HIS BraKeS tHe WInG WIll IMMeDIatelY GO IntO
a FUllStall cOnDItIOn. In tHe event tHat tHe BacKStall
HaPPenS near GrOUnD level, DO nOt atteMPt a recOverY OF
YOUr WInG, aS tHe DanGer OF OccIlatIOn IS tO Great. InSteaD
tHe PIlOt SHOUlD MOve FOrWarD anD OUt OF HIS HarneSS,
StraIGHten HIS leGS, anD PrePare FOr lanDInG cOntact USInG
tHe ParatrOOPer rOll.
In order to perform a Full Stall the pilot should wrap his brake lines once around the
grips, symettrically on both sides, and pull the brake line down constantly and fully.