Assembly & Operation Manual
Fit pushrod.
Check operation of control surface and adjust both
elevators the same. (The installation must be a
mirror image of each other)
Insert stabilizer spars & bolt stabs in position.
During testing of the Viper I installed elevator
servos in 3 different positions. I have found that this
method is best. Please be not confused when some pic-
tures in this manual show elevator servos mounted in fuselage. Make sure there is
no play in the installation. Play on linkages will cause flutter and destroy your Viper!
We recommend to mass balance each elevator with 45 grams of lead in the bal-
ance tabs.
Make sure to have some sort of protective foam
on the work bench. This will protect the paint surface from
unwanted dents. Mark
√ each step.
Cut root rib with Dremel
cut off disk
Use Dremel drum sander to sand to shape.
Trial fit servo into fin & make sure root clear servo.
Mark location of rudder horn. Mask off area.
Glue rudder horn in position. Check for free operation.
Install long servo horn and centre servo.
Cut slot in fuselage for servo. Use CA to glue plywood
mount if needed.
Secure extension wires inside fuselage. Make sure no
wires do not ouch tail pipe.
Trial fit fin and rudder. If happy glue rudder hinges and
rudder in position
Photo 30
Photo 32
Photo 29
Photo 31