Replacement Procedures
Service Manual
SKOPE TME650/1000
Drum Thermometer
The drum thermometer, which provides a constant display of the cabinet air
temperature, is located on the right hand hand side of the cabinet below the
sign unit or top panel. The thermometer bulb is located at the port hole on
the ceiling of the cabinet interior.
To remove the drum thermometer
If the drum thermometer is suspected to be reading inaccurately, it can be
checked with the use of a calibrated digital thermometer and a water ice
mix at 0° C.
To check the drum thermometer accuracy
1. Disconnect the chiller from the power supply.
2. Open the cabinet door and cut the
cable ties to detatch the drum
thermometer bulb from the port hole
on the cabinet ceiling.
3. Unplug and remove the sign assembly (if fitted) or remove the sign
replacement panel.
4. Unscrew and remove the control panel cover.
5. Unscrew and remove the control panel (with drum thermometer attached).
6. Unclip and detatch the drum thermometer from the control panel, and
withdrawl the bulb and cable through the cabinet and control panel.
7. Reverse the steps to fit replacement drum thermometer. When refitting, use
putty to seal around the area where the bulb cable enters the cabinet.
Cable tie
1. Remove the bulb of the drum thermometer from inside the cabinet and
place in a container of ice and water along with a digital thermometer probe.
2. Stir, and check the temperature after five minutes.
3. Note the difference between the digital thermometer and the drum
thermometer. This will be the offset applied to the drum thermometer if