Replacement Procedures
Service Manual
Night Blind
The cabinet is fitted with a manual night blind which should be pulled down into the closed
position during store closing hours to save power. The night blind has a switch which
automatically tells the electronic controller to run the fridge in night mode (with the lights off)
when the blind is in the closed position, or day mode (with the lights on) when in the open
The night blind is located in the ceiling of the cabinet behind the sign, and is not visible when
it is open.
To close the night blind, use the handle pull the blind down and hook it under the night blind
retaining brackets at the bottom of the cabinet opening. To open, use the handle to release the
blind from the retaining brackets and control the blind as it opens.
Night Blind
Sensor Switch
The switch mechanism is made up of a magnet in the night blind handle and a switch fitted to
a bracket at the bottom right hand side of the cabinet opening. The switch cable is connected
to the cartridge.
Night blind
Night blind handle
Night blind
retaining bracket
Procedure 13: To replace the night blind magnet
1. Free the night blind handle from the cabinet
opening to gain access to the right hand end of
the handle, and remove the end cap to access
the magnet.
2. Remove and replace the magnet.
3. Refit the end cap and replace the night blind back inside the cabinet.
Procedure 14: To replace the night blind sensor switch
1. Disconnect the cabinet from the power supply (see page 18).
2. Remove the kick panel (see page 28) to access the cartridge.
3. Undoing the fixing screws from the upstand and remove it.
4. Disconnect the night blind sensor switch cable from cartridge.
5. Undo the night blind sensor switch cable from the connector block on the right hand cabinet
electrics panel, and draw the cable up into the cabinet.
Night blind handle
End cap