(C) Copyright 2010-2014 SKD System AB
Connection via USB Cable
Product acts as host for Android devices.
skdRhone2 app is implemented for Android devices version 4.0 or later (Android 16 or later).
Other types of devices are not supported at this time.
To start communication over USB:
If not installed, install app skdRhone2 from Google play.
Connect USB cable between Android and Rhone2. App and communications start automatically.
Technical Specification
AC fuse
Physical fuse. F2 250Vac T16AH.
Overcurrent protection. Max load on connection to mains 16A.
Rated current for the physical fuse 0.5A to 16A, 250VAC, Time-lag T, Dimensions 5x20mm, Non-resettable
In case AC-fuse needs to be replaced, replace with Schurter article 0001.2516 or equivalent. Replacement of
fuse only by service personnel.
DC fuse
Overcurrent protection on USB and Sensor interfaces
Hold current 2A, Trip-current 4.4A, Time to trip at 4.4A is 4sec
The fuse is a resettable fuse (PTC). Fuse increases its internal resistance at overcurrent on internal DC
source. The fuse resumes normal operation after fault is removed, unless device was exposed to conditions
outside of its normal operating area.
AC switch
Switching of AC ports
Wieland mini connectors, 3pins, GST15i3, white.
Male connector for connection to mains.
Female connector for connection of other AC devices
16A 250V High-inrush switched ports. Pulse controlled switches. Very low power consumption.
Mode of operation
When presence sensor function is deactivated:
AC switch is turned on/off by controls.
At power on to the product, AC switch is turned off, whether is was off or on before power on.
When presence sensor function is activated:
AC switch controlled by the sensor will be turned on at power on and upon detection of movement.
AC switch is turned off upon expiration of sensor timer.
E meter
AC-meter. Measures TrueRMS values of current.
Calculated values of Power and Energy.
Measurement range 16mA to 16A, 4Watt to 4000Wat.
Display of results via LAN (TCP, HTTP), via USB (Android), via WiFi (Android)