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Mod. PRD 22 rev.2 - last updating: 01/2015
Implementing the Transfer Press
1) Plug the connector cable into a power socket of 220 V.
2) Open the air tap for the filter controller upwards.
3) Set the master switch from 0 to 1.
4) Check the connection between heating plate and control unit. Is the 6 pole connector securely plugged
into the socket of the control unit?
5) Set the desired temperature.
6) Set the desired pressing time on the timer.
7) Adjust the incoming pressure at the instrument on the upper left side of the press. The printing pressure
is shown on the manometer and can be adjusted using the pressure controller. To adjust the pressure,
pull the pressure controller outwards and turn it
clockwise to increase the pressure
anti-clockwise to reduce the pressure
After you have set the pressure, push the controller back into its original position.
Adjust the “real“ printing pressure by turning the pressure controller on the right upper side of the press.
To adjust the pressure turn it
clockwise to increase the pressure
anti-clockwise to reduce the pressure
9) Place the textile to be printed on the lower plate and position the plotted transfer onto it. Swivel the upper
heating plate above the prepared lower supporting plate using the handles fixed to the side of the heating
10) Press the two push buttons located on both sides of the pressure arm simultaneously. The heating plate
will descend and after the pressing time has elapsed, it will be lifted automatically in its original position.
The press is now ready for a new transfer process.
11) A new feature of TS DUE is the yellow stop-button in front of the heat press, which allows a stop of the
pressing-process at any time. This can be used for any pre- or post-pressure situation. Just push the
button to stop the pressing-process.
12) Switch off the transfer press when you do not use it.