This manual is the property of SISER S.r.l., any even partial reproduction is forbidden
Mod. PRD 22 rev.2 - last updating: 01/2015
11. Spare Parts List
1. base
2. swivel pin
3. piston
4. arm
5. cover of the heating plate
6. bracket (left and right)
7. cover of the instrument box
8. pressure bar
9. air filter controller
10. pressure controller
11. electronic valve
12. coil 24V
13. cogwheel rings
14. cable run
15. supporting plate support
16. ferrule
17. speed controller (on request)
18. heating plate
19. teflon rod
20. heating rods (5 pcs.
– 475 x 45 mm – W 400 – V 220)
21. temperature sensor (1m long)
22. teflon cover
23. silicone rubber
24. supporting plate
25. control board S2
26. connection
27. start button
28. stop button
29. interchangeable connection
30. fuse box
31. handle (right and left)
32. fuse (16 A)
33. manometer
34. transformer (1 pce. 220/24V
– 1 pce. 220/12V)
35. switch
36. pantograph
37. allen key
38. pantograph back bar
39. guide bar holder
40. guide bar
41. cylinder membrane
42. pressure regulator