This manual is the property of SISER S.r.l., any even partial reproduction is forbidden
Mod. PRD 22 rev.2 - last updating: 01/2015
3. Cap and Plate Set
For this model you may purchase easily interchangeable sets for
converting the press:
A. Cap set with a bent heating plate and two supporting plates (cf. fig. a)
B. Plate set (cf. fig. b) consisting of :
a supporting plate sized 15 x 38 cm
e.g. for trouser legs or sleeves and
a supporting plate sized 15 x 15 cm
e.g. for shirt pockets
C. We'll be happy to produce plates in other sizes for you upon request.
Fitting and Connecting the Cap Set
Before fitting the cap set ensure that the unit is cold and switched off. Then unplug the cable between heating
plate and instrument box. Now untighten the clamping element of the heating plate suspension, remove the
heating plate with care and put it down on a safe, even surface.
Fit the bent heating cap plate in place of the normal heating plate and tighten it to the suspension using the
clamping element. Then connect the heating element to the instrument box by plugging in the connector into
the socket. The heating element is now ready for use. After that install the bent supporting cap plates observing
the following instructions:
To exchange the flat supporting plates with bent cap supporting plates untighten the two fixing screws just
underneath the supporting plates, remove the flat plates and fit the bent cap plates in the same way. Please
do not forget to tighten the plates again.
b. Plate set for sleeves,
trousers and pockets.
a. Cap Set twin