SRM9030plus ~ Trunked Mobile Radio User Guide
© TMC Radio 2008
Page 7
TNM-U-E-0093 Issue 1.1
The SRM9030plus radio software uses a programmed Menu structure to enable the operator
to access all of the radio options. The structure of the menu (comprising up to fourteen
screens) can be programmed to meet the specific needs of individual customers. Figure 2
illustrates a sample menu structure for the radio. The order and presence of menu items is
configured by the radio Field Personality Programmer.
Any or all of the Screens can be programmed or hidden with the following provisos:
The Phone Book Screen is always the default Screen displayed.
The Main Menu provides access to the usual Screens required to operate the radio.
The Setup Sub Menus provide access to the radio setup parameters.
When options are placed in a Setup sub-menu, Setup should be offered as a sub menu
in the Main Menu selection.
Both the Main Menu and the Setup sub-menus can each hold up to ten Screens.
Programming can allow any menu to be in any position.
The Up/Down Arrow buttons enable you to scroll from the Main Menu through all of the
Menu Screens.
The Left/Right Arrow buttons enable you to scroll through the available selections within a
Menu Screen.