External Connections
Electric Trace Heating
condensate pipe to raise the temperature of the condensate pipe in freezing
conditions. Trace heating takes the form of an electrical heating element run in
physical contact along the length of the condensate pipe. The pipe is usually
covered with thermal insulation to retain heat losses from the pipe. Heat
generated by the element then maintains the temperature of the pipe. If such a
system is used then the installation instructions of the trace heating
insulation, etc. should be followed. All other relevant guidance on condensate
discharge pipe installation should also be followed.
Insulation Materials
Insulation used for external condensate pipes, sink or washing machine waste
pipes should be of class ‘O’ grade with an outer coating that is weather proof,
is recommended for 32mm external pipes.
Use of Air Breaks In Condensate Discharge Pipes
Heating engineers should follow manufacturer’s instructions on the use of air
breaks in condensate discharge pipes. A visible air break is not required if the
boiler condensate trap has a minimum condensate seal of 75mm incorporated
into the boiler.
Connecting to a rain water downpipe/External Soil Stack
When an external soil stack or rain water downpipe is used as the termination
(NB only permissible if this downpipe passes to a combined foul and rainwater
drainage system) an external air break must be installed between the condensate
October 2018 Issue 1.0