4. Next Steps
The ZigBee Wi-Fi/Ethernet Gateway Reference Design (RD-0001-0201) is designed to demonstrate ZigBee gateway functionality with
Silicon Labs ZigBee reference designs, such as Lighting Reference Designs (RD-0020-0601 and RD-0035-0601), ZigBee Contact Sen-
sor Reference Design (RD-0030-0201), and ZigBee Capacitive Sense Dimmer Switch Reference Design (RD-0039-0201). For next
steps, refer to the user’s guides for each of these reference designs. The ZigBee Wi-Fi/Ethernet Gateway Reference Design is also
designed as a reference to demonstrate the software functions and can be used as a baseline for further development and porting to a
Linux platform. To aid in the understanding of the software architecture, refer to the figure below.
Figure 4.1. Software Architecture
The Gateway includes the EmberZNet Pro ZigBee stack binaries and server software source code. To modify the binaries it is necessa-
ry to acquire a ZigBee development kit EM35x-DEV. To learn more about purchasing and using a ZigBee development kit, go to:
. The webserver JavaScript source code is available
for study and modification within the Gateway file system. The directory structure is as follows:
ZigBee gateway application executable (source code available from Silicon Labs, See Section
Backend server node.js source files, interpreted by npm
Frontend UI react.js source files, served by Apache
UG131: ZigBee
Wi-Fi/Ethernet Gateway Reference Design (RD-0001-0201) User's Guide
Next Steps
| Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly.
Rev. 0.3 | 7