Select the “+ Device” gateway button and initiate the network join procedure for the desired devices. The ZigBee Contact Sensor Refer-
ence Design (RD-0030-0201) enters network join mode by pressing physical switch S1 for more than one second. The ZigBee Lighting
Demo Board Reference Designs (RD-0020-0601 and RD-0035-0601) enter network join mode by pressing physical switch S1 ten times
rapidly. The ZigBee Capacitive Sense Dimmer Switch Reference Design (RD-0039-0201) enters network join mode by pressing physi-
cal switch S3 for more than one second. Additional information can be found in the user's guide for each device. Devices will appear in
the list with their name, unique device ID, and state. The name is reported by each device and the unique device ID is assigned each
time the device joins a ZigBee network.
If a device is on a network and communicating with the gateway, its state will be labeled as “joined”. A device failing to respond will be
labeled “unresponsive”. The request to leave the network is sent by selecting the “X” next to the device, and will be labeled "leave sent"
if there is no response from the device. Devices may become unresponsive or indicate leave sent because they are asleep, turned off,
or out of range. When the device wakes, turns on, or comes back into range, the unresponsive device will be labeled as “joined” and a
device labeled “leave sent” will be removed from the device list.
The contact sensor will indicate open/close state, active/alarm state, temperature, and the join/leave-sent/unresponsive state. The
open/close state is sent by the contact sensor immediately upon change of state to indicate the magnet away (open) or near (closed)
the reed switch. The alarm state is sent by the contact sensor immediately upon change of state when the tamper alarm is activated by
pressing button S1 for more than four seconds and then releasing.
The lighting demo board will present a "Toggle Light" gateway button to toggle the state of the light and indicate the join/leave-sent/
unresponsive state. The toggle button sends the ZCL (ZigBee Cluster Library) light toggle command.
The dimmer switch will show the joined/leave sent/unresponsive state.
Figure 3.2. Attached Devices
The Gateway Reference Design allows the user to create rules to bind one device to another. To create a rule, select the “+ Set Rule”
gateway button, choose the desired input node and output node, and select “Bind”. Multiple rules can be set for both Input Nodes and
Output Nodes. For example, both the contact sensor and dimmer switch input nodes can bind to the dimmable color light, shown below.
If two input nodes send a command to an output node, the commands are executed in the order received.
Figure 3.3. Device Binding Rules
UG131: ZigBee
Wi-Fi/Ethernet Gateway Reference Design (RD-0001-0201) User's Guide
Run the ZigBee Gateway
| Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly.
Rev. 0.3 | 4