Datum 25.01.2008
Art.Nr. 84155
Änd. Stand 245/07
Master sends (hex):
81 48 C9
AEA111/1 replies (hex):
81 48 C9
Short telegram to/ from address 1 (81h);
Calibration (48h); sense byte (C9h)
Master sends (hex):
81 33 62
AEA111/1 replies (hex):
81 33 62
Short telegram to/ from address 1 (81h);
Programming mode OFF (33h); sense byte
Set SW1.5 in ON position for >1s, then reset to
OFF position.
7.3.2 Calibration in the SSI mode:
Set SW1.5 in ON position for >1s, then reset to
OFF position.
The calibration process is acknowledged by one
short blinking of the "ERROR" LED.
8. Monitored AEA111/1 functions
In the turned-on state the translation module per-
manently monitors the signal amplitude as well as
the travel speed of the sensor head.
8.1 Magnetic strip monitoring
As soon as the sensor head is lifted off the ma-
gnetic strip,
the red "ERROR" LED glows permanently.
the SSI interface is deactivated (data outputs are
set to static high/ low).
via RS485 the value +99999999 is output instead
of the position value.
bit 0 is set in the system status register.
The position of the sensor head must
be monitored with regard to orientation and dis-
tance from the magnetic strip over the whole
measuring distance.
8.2 Monitoring for cable break
If the connection line between the MSA111 and
AEA111/1 is broken,
the red "ERROR" LED glows permanently.
the SSI interface is de-activated (data outputs
are set to static high/ low).
via RS485 the value +99999999 is output instead
of the position value.
bit 3 is set in the system status register.
First switch the system currentless and
then re-establish the connection!
8.3 Monitoring of the position value in the "Speed
measurement" mode
This mode can be used to indicate if the sensor
head is moved faster than ~0.3m/s since correct
decoding of absolute information is no longer gu-
aranteed in this case. SW1.5 and SW1.6 must be at
the OFF position (default) for this purpose.
In this mode:
bit 5 is set in the system status register if the
sensor is moved faster than ~0.3m/s.
the operation of SSI and RS485 output is not
The error will be reset independently
as soon as the travel speed is reduced again.
8.4 Position value monitoring in the "Millimetre
jump" mode
After correct positioning of the sensor within the
mounting tolerances above the magnetic strip and
successful sensor alignment, the correct functio-
ning of the system can be verified in this mode.
Forthis purpose, SW1.5 and SW1.6 must simulta-
neously be set to the ON position within ~2s and
must not be changed afterwards:
now, the green LED blinks: 2x short...pause...2x
the operation of SSI and RS485 output is not
The sensor can now be moved over the overall
measuring length (< 10mm/s). As soon as a posi-
tion jump > 1mm is detected,
the red "ERROR" LED glows
bit 1 is set in the system status register.
the error remains set until SW1.5 is set shortly
to the OFF - ON position or SW1.5 and SW1.6 are
set to the OFF position.
At the position where the error occurred the
position of the sensor head must be checked
with regard to alignment and distance from the
magnetic strip!
If assembly is not the cause of the error, the
device can be re-aligned (see chapter 7.2, sensor
If, however, the error persists, please contact our
technical support.
After faultless verification of the complete measu-
ring distance in both travelling directions the
"millimetre jump" mode can be exited by resetting
SW1.5 and SW1.6 to the OFF position.