Digits after the decimal point for flow or volume (level 4 and 5)
The number of digits after the decimal point can be set separately for the flow and volume
Select up to 3 digits after the decimal point.
Always observe possible effects on the current output when making changes!
K factors (level 6 and 12)
The volume or flow is calculated by multiplying the generated pulses with the device-specific
K factor.
A K factor must be programmed for each meter in the difference measurement and the to-
tal volume measurement mode.
Density calculation (level 13)
Example 1: No temperature sensor connected
The expected process density is entered in level 13. This fixed density is used to continuously
calculate the mass volume.
Example 2: PT1000 connected (only for display 3)
Enter the density of the medium at 20°C in level 13. Enter the alpha value, i.e. the change of
medium density, in kg/m³/°C in level 23. The alpha value is always positive! The temperature
of the connected PT1000 is recorded and displayed in level 14. The temperature is recorded
in 0.5° steps. (Please observe the permissible temperature for meters and the electronics!)
The electronics uses the density, alpha value and the recorded temperature to calculate the
operating density of the medium. This variable operating density is used to calculate the
mass volume.
Temperature: 27°C (can be read in level 14)
Density at 20°C: 998.2 kg/m³ (must be entered in level 13)
Alpha-values: 0.2 kg/m³/°C (must be entered in level 23)
27°C – 20°C = 7°C (temperature difference to 20°C )
7°C * 0.2 kg/m³/°C = 1.4 kg/m³ (change of density compared to 20°)
998.2 kg/m³ - 1.4 kg/m³ = 996.8 kg/m³ (new operating density for calculation with the cur-
rent measured volume)
Medium temperature (level 14) (only display 3)
The multifunctional electronics of the display 3 provides a connection for a PT1000 sensor
(optional). The current measured temperature is displayed in 0.5°steps in level 14. The medi-
um temperature can be used to calculate the density.
If a temperature sensor is not used, a temperature of 20 °C is always displayed.