If you would like to navigate to a specific destination you have the following options:
– Address
Easy entry of a specific address
– POI (Point of Interest)
You can choose a POI based on a category like gas station or cafe.
If you would like to search for a POI closeby, please select „Actual Position“.
– Point on Map
You can choose a single point or multiple points. Simply move the map and tapwhere you want to go
– Recent
Here you can see a list of resent used points
– Favorites
You can set “favorite” points in the short cut menu
add point
– Coordinates
If you would like to visit a place without having an address, you can alternatively enter the coordinates.
After having selected one of the above, the destination will be added to a list automatically. If you don’t want to
add any other waypoints you simply have to select
“show route”
. As it is common for most navigation systems,
the route will always start from your current position. There you havethree different options:
– Suggested
Suggested route depending on the selected sport profile
– Easiest
Route with least altitude
– Shortest
Shortest possible route depending on the sport profile. Please be aware, that the shortest route
could have significantly more uphill sections.
You have the
following options to
start a navigation:
Navigation is the centerpieceof ROX 12.0 SPORT.
It offers many different options of creating a route.
You can use it in the simple way, by adding an address
or a point on the map and start the ride. Or if you would
like to createa route with several waypoints, you can do
it as well.