Canon® SX
Remanufacturing Instructions
Reference Information:
OEM PN: 92295A
OEM Yield: 4,000 prints (5% image area)
Remanufacturing Time:
25 min.
Recommended Tools:
Pin puller
Phillips head screwdriver
Small flathead screwdriver
Gapping strip
Figure 1
Remove the four outer pins that hold the cartridge shell.
Remove the outer shell by first lifting the left, and then the right end. There
are also two front locking tabs that have to be unsnapped (Fig 1).
3. Remove the spring (Fig 2) from the separator card end of the cartridge,
and unfasten only one end of the spring on the other end of the cartridge.
4. Remove the small hinge-pin from the separator card end of the cartridge
(Fig 2).
5 Lift up on the hopper and separate from the waste bin.
Figure 2
While holding the waste bin, push the corona wire assembly to the left until
it’s pins separate from their holes, and lift up and to the right to remove (Fig 3).
7. Locate and remove the screw holding the drum axle in place. Remove the
drum axle being careful not to drop or dislodge the drum (Fig 4). Tape the
drum shutter door open and gently lift the drum by its small gear, twist clock-
wise and remove.
8. Wipe the drum off with a clean, lint free cloth and store in a dark location to
minimize light exposure. Replace if necessary.
9. Remove the wiperblade and dump the toner out of the wastebin (Fig 5).
Vacuum the remaining toner from the waste bin being VERY CAREFUL
not to disturb the small mylar blade.
Figure 3
10. Wipe off residual toner from the wiperblade, inspect for nicks, gouges etc,
replace if necessary. Pad lightly with padding powder and re-install in the
11. Clean the corona wire assembly thoroughly!! Clean the wire, the grid, the
side walls and the felt pads. The preferred method for cleaning is to soak
the assembly in an Ultrasonic solution. If this is not available, you can clean
it manually with a Scotchbrite® pad. Use a small piece of the pad
and gently move it up and down the length of the wire. Remove any residue
with a Q-tip saturated with 99% IPA.
12. Remove the cap from the toner hopper and dump out remaining toner.
Insert the nozzle of your vacuum into the toner fill hole and turn the mag roller
(by the gear) in a clockwise direction. Inspect the surface of the mag roller
Figure 4
for damage. Replace if necessary. Do not touch the surface of the mag roller
Clean the mag roller contact with alcohol and a cotton swab saturated in 99%
IPA. We recommend using a gapping tool to gap the doctor blade to the
appropriate measurement (.010”).
Oasis Imaging Products, Inc. Technical Support: (888) 627-6555