SIG WACO SRE SIGRC101ARF Скачать руководство пользователя страница 36

If your transmitter uses a toggle type flap switch and you have 
set-up your flaps as suggested in this manual, then you should
have two basic flap deflection angles to work with. The first is the
milder 15


angle and the second is the more aggressive 30



angle. Fly your model to a reasonable altitude and throttle back the
engine to the suggested 1/3rd or less power setting. Now deploy
the flaps to the first 15



Because of the increased lift 

generated by the flaps, the model will want to climb a little. Holding
a little down elevator will compensate for this increase in lift. The
net result of the flaps along with a little corrective down elevator
input will serve to slow the airplane down nicely. As you gain 
experience with the flaps and their effect on your airplane in flight,
you may want to adjust the amount of flap that is deployed when
you hit the flap switch. Of course, if you are using a transmitter with
a rheostat type flap switch, you can roll in as much or as little flap
as you need at any given time. Now try the 30


flap setting. You

will quickly realize that 30


is just about all the flap travel you'll ever

need with the Waco.

In fact, we recommend that you do not

exceed this flap setting with this model. Too much flap input will
slow the airplane down a great deal and could get you into trouble
if you're too close to the ground.

We use the flap function on our Waco models almost exclusively in
the landing phase of our flights.

We have found that in wind 

conditions above 10 mph or so, flaps are just not needed. Below
this wind speed, we routinely use the flap function to make very
scale like landings in a controlled amount of distance. While we
have used a small amount of deployed flap during take-offs, we've
found that doing so runs the risk of getting off the ground a little
early. Use of the flap function is an acquired skill and should be
approached incrementally, with regard to the current wind 
conditions. And speaking of wind, we've found that our Waco SRE
models handle wind quite well. Powered by the recommended
engines, you should find that you can comfortably fly this airplane
in relatively strong wind conditions.

While still at altitude, it's a good time to learn the stall 
characteristics of your Waco.

Turn the model into the wind, 

keeping the wings level. Begin throttling back the engine while
steadily increasing up elevator input. At some point, the airplane
will stop flying and enter a stall. We've found on our Waco models
that the stall was fairly clean, with the nose dropping forward and
controlled flight resuming almost immediately. The information that
you're after here is to learn at what speed and attitude the model
stalls. This is important to know, especially in the landing phases
of your flights.

Landing your Waco should present no real problems. We use and
suggest a standard landing approach routine involving the 
downwind leg, the turn to the base leg and the final turn to the
landing. In the downwind leg, the throttle should be brought back
enough to allow the airplane to descend at a very shallow angle. If
you're going to deploy the flaps, now is the time to do so. The turn
to the base leg and the turn to the final approach should likewise
be done with the model slightly descending. Once flying into the
wind, line the airplane up with the centerline of the runway and use
the throttle as required to extend or decrease the final approach to
landing. We have almost consistently landed our Waco models in
the 3-point position, flaring just before touchdown.


touchdown and rollout, hold full up elevator and taxi back to the pit
area. Now you have to admit, THAT was pretty!

Make it a routine part of your pre-flight procedures to check each
control on the airplane, making sure each flight surface is moving
in the correct direction. Also check each control linkage to be sure
they are secure and that nothing is loose. Next, be sure to make a
range test with your radio system, per the radio manufacturer's 

We always suggest that this same range check 

procedure be made with the engine running.

When you're satisfied that the airplane is ready for flight, start the
engine and allow it to warm-up to operating temperature. Hold full
up elevator and taxi the model out to the take-off position on the
flying field. For take-off, the airplane should be lined-up with the
center of the runway, with the nose pointed directly into the wind.
Holding a little up elevator, smoothly advance the throttle - do not
slam the throttle wide open all at once. As the airplane begins
moving forward, gradually back off of the elevator input, using the
rudder only as needed to correct any engine torque and/or wind
induced deviations from a straight take-off run. Allow the tail to
come up and the airplane to gather speed on the main wheels.
Lift-off will happen shortly. Keep the wings level with the ailerons
and climb out at a shallow angle to a reasonable trim altitude. At
altitude, use your transmitter to make any necessary trim 
adjustments to achieve straight and level, hands-off flight.

You should find that your Waco SRE is a very comfortable flying
airplane. The control surface movements given in this manual
should provide the airplane with smooth, positive control in pitch,
roll, and yaw.

In addition, we have found that these control 

surfaces remain effective down to virtually zero airspeed.


suggested earlier, we prefer flying our Waco models with a little
coordinated rudder mixed in with the ailerons. Of course, we've
flown it without rudder mixing and it flies just fine. But we found
that a little rudder input, about 10% to 15%, made the flying a bit
more enjoyable.

Our Hitec transmitter allows us to turn the 

rudder/aileron coupling on or off with the flip of a switch, making
the coupling an option during any given flight.

With the model now trimmed and flying straight and level, you can
begin to explore the Waco's capabilities. At a reasonable altitude,
try a simple loop. The airplane should fly through the loop without
any tendency to twist out at the top. A clean loop typically indicates
that the C.G. is correctly located. Next, again at altitude, roll the
airplane inverted to get a feel for what it flies like in this attitude.
For reference, we found that it took virtually no down elevator input
to fly our Waco models inverted. Next, you might want to try a 
simple 3-turn spin. Our Waco models performed beautiful spins
with almost instant pull out when the controls were returned to 
neutral. Next, try a few aileron rolls. Our Waco models roll nicely,
in a proto-typical manner.

We turned off the aileron/rudder 

coupling during our rolls to keep the tail from wandering. It is at this
point in your test flight that you probably want to find out how 
effective the flaps are.

First and foremost, you need to realize that the flaps on your Waco
model are indeed effective and will really change the way the
model flies when they are deployed. You also need to realize that
flaps are low speed control surfaces, used primarily for landings.
Our rule of thumb for the deployment of flaps is that the throttle 
setting must be at 1/3rd throttle or less before we drop them.
Never deploy the flaps at high flight speeds. Dropping the flaps at
high speed can place a great deal of unnecessary stress on the
flap servos and the linkages.



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Страница 2: ...nnels 7 Servos required Engine Required 75 90 2 Stroke 90 1 20 4 Stroke Scale 1 6th Kit Number SIGRC101ARF Calculated at full span including fuselage Flying weight can vary with use of different engines battery packs equipment R 1 Waco SRE ARF ASSEMBLY MANUAL INTRODUCTION Waco There are just certain names that never fail to conjure up the essence of the Golden Age of flight and the Waco name is ce...

Страница 3: ...n addition this Hitec transmitter also provides any number of mixing functions as well as exponential end point adjustments sub trims etc The use of a computer radio system such as this saves a huge amount of time and effort in the correct set up and flight trimming of this or any model As shown in this assembly manual we chose to use an aftermarket on off switch assembly that provides the capabil...

Страница 4: ...hould be perfect and that they should not be expected to re shrink wrinkles This is not realistic because any covering material regardless of brand that has been hand applied over wood is indeed subject to the possibility of wrinkling The requirement is to therefore re shrink the covering as needed This is not difficult to do and can be done using normal hobby type covering tools such as a heat ir...

Страница 5: ...rilled mounting holes Sub bag A taped to inside of cowl 4 each T2 6 x 8 mm PWA mounting screws Bag 8 Main Landing Gear 3 mm aluminum Factory painted yellow Pre drilled with all required strut axle and wheel pant mounting holes Bag 9 1 each Wheel Axle Wire 4 mm dia pre bent to shape painted yellow Sub bag A 1 each Center Landing Gear Wire Mounting Block Nylon 1 each Nylon Strap Main landing gear wi...

Страница 6: ... 4 mm Copper Swage Tubes Sub bag B 7 each Nylon Control Horns 1 each Nylon Control Horn Bases Sub bag C 4 each M2 x 15 mm Phillips Head bolts rudder elevator control horns 8 each T2 6 x 12 mm PWA Screws flap aileron control horns 2 each Hex Nuts rudder control horns Bag 22 8 each Wing Flying Wires 0 6 mm dia x 13 3 4 Sub Bag A 8 each M2 Flying Wire Turnbuckles w Locknuts in place Left hand threads...

Страница 7: A little alcohol and a paper towel will remove any excess or oozing glue from the hinge points Repeat this procedure with the remaining flap on the opposite wing panel Allow the glue to cure ASSEMBLY WINGS Bottom Wing The bottom wing has been completely built and covered at the factory with no further structural steps required However in preparation for final assembly later now is an excelle...

Страница 8: ...nel Use a pin vise and a small diameter drill bit to make four screw pilot holes through the hardwood mounts Using the screws that came with 7 After the epoxy cures flex each flap to free up their movement We used a small amount of gun oil on the hinge points to further free up their movement 4 The ailerons are now hinged in place to each wing panel The supplied hinges are the CA type Note that th...

Страница 9: ...rvo your servos mount the servo in place Install the opposite aileron servo in the same manner Last use a small piece of tape to identify the two servo leads as the aileron leads 6 The flap servos are now installed in each wing panel Like the aileron servos the flap servos are oriented in the wing panel with their output arms facing outward toward the wing tip with the head of the servo toward the...

Страница 10: ...ut arms towards the flap reverse the flap channel through the transmitter With the servos now moving in the correct directions and the output arms in place correctly linkages between the servos and the flaps can be safely made 8 The provided flap and aileron pushrods are ready to use The wire diameter is 072 and because of this we found it helpful to first drill out the two outmost holes in both f...

Страница 11: ...arks just made about 3 8 deep Repeat this on the opposite aileron Use the four remaining T 2 6 x 12 mm screws to mount the control horns in place to each aileron Remove the tape holding the flaps and ailerons together 10 With the transmitter first test and confirm that the ailerons are moving in the correct directions right aileron stick movement causes the right aileron to move up If they move in...

Страница 12: ...o the center slot in the stab insert the fin into its slot in the top rear of the fuselage and into the slot in the stab What you want to determine is that the fin sits squarely at 90O to the fuselage and stab Once you re satisfied that the stab is in the correct position remove the fin and weight or pin the stab in place and allow the glue to dry Any excess white glue is easily removed with a cle...

Страница 13: ...he control horn to the elevator using the two M2 x 15 mm 12 5 The elevators are now hinged to the horizontal stabilizer using the hinging methods described earlier for the flaps and ailerons To do this insert the six elevator hinges into the slots at the leading edge of the elevators As before insert cardboard wedges into each of the center hinge slots in each hinge Starting at one end or the othe...

Страница 14: free up its movement Any excess glue can be removed with SIG Debonder bolts Insert the bolts through the horn and elevator and use a small Phillips screwdriver to thread each exposed bolt end into the nylon control horn base on top of the elevator Tighten this assembly to secure it in place Remove the piece s of tape holding the elevators in neutral Excess bolt ends above the nylon base should ...

Страница 15: ...the cable to the fuselage side for now Repeat this process with the remaining pull pull cable on the opposite side of the fuselage b The rudder servo must now be neutralized with the transmitter rudder trim also in neutral Plug the rudder servo lead into the correct rudder channel in the receiver followed by the switch and airborne battery pack Turn on the transmitter and then the receiver First d...

Страница 16: ...t in either direction and tighten the knurled nut firmly against the clevis Slide a brass swage tube onto one of the pull pull cable ends Thread the end of the cable end through the small hole in the rigging fitting and then thread the cable end back through the copper swage tube Connect the clevis to the outermost hole in the corresponding nylon control horn Pull the loose end of the cable taut a...

Страница 17: ... place Note that the two motor mount arms have oblong mounting holes These allow the mount arms to be adjusted as needed on the firewall When drilling the four mounting holes use the center of the oblong holes to allow a little movement in either direction Drill the four motor mount holes through the plywood using a 3 16 dia bit Temporarily install the motor mount arms to the piece of plywood usin...

Страница 18: ...used 8 32 x 1 1 4 socket head bolts For 8 32 bolts we used a 19 166 dia bit to drill the proper clearance holes If you are careful it may be possible to drill these holes by hand using a power drill However using a drill press to drill these holes ensures that they are correctly placed and drilled truly perpendicular to the motor mount arms 4 The 3 1 2 square piece of plywood used in the earlier s...

Страница 19: ...ystem Plug the servo into the throttle channel in your receiver Turn on the transmitter and then the airborne system You want to first check the servo to be sure that it s moving correctly providing low and high throttle movements that correspond with the engine throttle barrel Next the servo output arm should be repositioned as necessary to provide equal back and forth movement With these issues ...

Страница 20: ... holes all the way through it Use these two holes for the two aluminum fuel lines Also note that the correct orientation of the fuel tank body in the tank compartment is with its neck up in front view Gently bend the aluminum overflow tube upward to reach but not touch the top of the tank on the inside leaving about 3 8 1 2 of exposed aluminum tubing at the front of the tank stopper The fuel pick ...

Страница 21: ...itted over the engine and onto the fuselage As received in the kit the cowl comes with four T2 6 x 8 mm PWA mounting screws in a small bag taped to the larger bag containing the cowl Locate these screws and have them ready As mentioned earlier the muffler header and needle valve should be removed from the engine for now Doing this now avoids any confusion later when connecting the fuel lines to th...

Страница 22: of hemostats to begin turning the needle valve out of the carburetor As the needle valve is turned the sharpened end of the wire will come into contact with the inside surface of the cowl Continue turning the needle valve until it is firmly pressed against the inside cowl surface Place a pad paper over the cowl at the location of the sharpened wire point Using a tap hammer lightly tap the paper...

Страница 23: ...alve and wire from the engine Remove and discard the sharpened piece of music wire from the needle valve Cut a fresh 4 piece of 5 64 dia MW and deburr the ends Install one end of this new wire piece into the needle valve and tighten the setscrew to hold it Reinstall the cowl back onto the fuselage using the four mounting screws From the front of the cowl insert the needle valve with the wire in pl...

Страница 24: ...requires a 1 4 hole diameter to fit fully into the valve Use a pencil and a circle guide to draw a 1 4 dia hole directly onto the cowl corrected as needed to adjust for any off center issues Use a Dremel Tool with a tapered sanding bit to open up the hole in the cowl to the 1 4 outline just drawn Mount the cowl and check your work The fueling opening in the cowl should now be directly over the cen...

Страница 25: ... tube to clear it from any contact with the cowl and to wind up with the muffler end of the tube aligned with the muffler s header mounting location with the muffler aimed directly back from behind the engine head Be patient and periodically check your progress by placing the engine on the mount arms When the flex tube is bent to about the correct configuration consideration to mounting the muffle...

Страница 26: ...orward cabin bulkhead This location lets us see it easily through the windshield even on the brightest of days metal hose clamp to hold it in place to the muffler The diverter itself is slotted at one end allowing the clamp to compress it firmly to the muffler Note that in the case of the Saito cast aluminum muffler described earlier the small machined ridge at the end of the exhaust outlet must b...

Страница 27: ...und wire connector to the closest rear engine mounting bolt using a metal connector crimped and soldered to the end of the wire After using the MAXX Products MX9900DX system extensively in our own Waco models our opinion is that the installation and use of this sophisticated little glow driver system is well worth its reasonable price and the minimal effort required to install it COMPLETING THE RA...

Страница 28: We located the programming button on the bottom side of the box allowing us to re program it if that ever became necessary At this point we suggest making a final test of the system using the transmitter Last the LED bulb needs to be mounted in a location that is easy to see As mentioned earlier we mounted our LED bulb against the forward fuselage cabin former at the top This location works wel...

Страница 29: ...ese two bolts Once the bolts have engaged the blind nuts thread them in place but do not tighten them yet 1 Turn the fuselage over upside down on your padded work surface The main landing gear hatch cover is located just behind the recessed opening at the nose This hatch is attached to the fuselage with two T2 6 x 12 mm PWA screws that are accessible through the two round holes on each side of the...

Страница 30: leg Note that these support struts are mounted to the inside of the landing gear legs Use the provided 4 40 round head Allen bolts and 4 40 lock nut to firmly secure the front of each support in place to the main landing gear legs Now go back to the previously installed bolts at the fuselage and tighten them 5 The painted Main Axle Wire Form is now mounted in place into the main landing gear Fr...

Страница 31: ...The medium size NC1252W decal is applied to the bottom left wing panel as shown in the photo We suggest the following procedure to accurately apply the larger decals in this kit Carefully cut out the decal and lift it off the sheet with tweezers Use a product like SIG Pure Magic Model Airplane Cleaner or Windex to spray the general area of the model that will receive the decal Then spray the adhes...

Страница 32: ...bout 1 16 or so in place removing all excess liquid and any trapped air bubbles from beneath the decal The SIG 4 Epoxy Spreader SIGSH678 is perfect for this job Remove any excess fluid with a dry paper towel and allow the decals to set overnight They will be solidly adhered to the model without any air bubbles The wing walk decal is applied to the top inboard left surface of the bottom wing To pos...

Страница 33: ...h the two middle separator holes and which two parallel cables will pass through the two outer separator holes Take care to keep the flying wires from tangling Repeat this process with the remaining seven turnbuckles cables and swages You should now have eight turnbuckles with the flying wires attached and locked in place 3 All eight turnbuckles with the flying wires attached are now mounted to th...

Страница 34: ...ut to the prop nut b The spinner cone is installed over the propeller and into the backplate recess Center the cone in relationship to the propeller blades making sure the prop blade cut outs are not contacting the propeller The 8 32 x 9 16 socket head bolt is then installed into the center of the spinner cone and tightened in place b Slide one of the 3 mm x 4 mm copper swage tubes onto one of the...

Страница 35: better evaluate and more accurately adjust any needed flight trim inputs Take all necessary steps to eliminate any potential problems at the field especially in the set up of the engine A good running reliable engine is a must in the ultimate success of this or any airplane Take the time to solve any engine related problems before trying to fly your model Just to give you a little more incentiv...

Страница 36: ... rollout hold full up elevator and taxi back to the pit area Now you have to admit THAT was pretty Make it a routine part of your pre flight procedures to check each control on the airplane making sure each flight surface is moving in the correct direction Also check each control linkage to be sure they are secure and that nothing is loose Next be sure to make a range test with your radio system p...

Страница 37: ...on Costa Mesa CA For Full Scale NC1252W Waco SRE bobsairdoc com Foto Pak 5283 Du Bro Products Inc Kwik Fill Fueling Valve 334 Wauconda IL Super Strength Long Servo Arms 672 www dubro com Hitec RCD USA Radio Control Systems Servos Servo Poway CA Extensions After Market Battery Packs www hitecrcd com Horizon Hobby Inc Exclusive U S Distributor for Saito Engines Champaign IL Saito 1 00 Four Stroke En...

Страница 38: ...r full size are not toys Because of the speeds that airplanes must achieve in order to fly they are capable of causing serious bodily harm and property damage if they crash IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY AND YOURS ALONE to assemble this model airplane correctly according to the plans and instructions to ground test the finished model before each flight to make sure it is completely airworthy and to alw...

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