on each center window former.
Once all connections have been made, use the transmitter to test
each fuselage mounted servo. If you have installed a glow driver
system, now is the perfect time to program it. We set ours up to
light the glow plug up to 1/4 throttle through our transmitter and we
have never felt the need to change this initial program.
Routing The Antenna: The receiver antenna can be routed out of
the model in any number of ways. However, in the interest of
maintaining the lines of the fuselage, we routed our antenna out of
the fuselage, just behind the center trailing edge of the lower wing
saddle. We drilled a 3/32” dia. hole in the servo tray on the left side,
next to the fuselage side. We attached the antenna strain relief
part that came with our Hitec radio system to the antenna and then
routed the antenna up through the 3/32” hole just drilled. The
antenna was then routed back to another 3/32” dia. hole, drilled at
the rear of the servo tray. It then was routed down to a hole that
we drilled through the fuselage bottom, behind the bottom wing
From this exit point, our antenna extends back to the
tailwheel bracket. There we made and attached a small wire hook
and used a rubber band to hold it in place. In actual practice with
our own Waco models this has worked perfectly and all but totally
hides the antenna.
For assembly and mounting of the landing gear to the fuselage,
locate the following items from the kit contents:
Bag #8
Main Landing Gear - painted
Bag #9
Main Axle Wire Form - painted - & bagged hardware
Bag #10
Main Wheels & bagged hardware
Bag #11
Wheel Pants
Bag #12
Sub bag A - Rear Landing Strut Supports - painted
Sub bag B - Rear Landing Strut Mounting Hardware
secure it in place. As shown, we drilled two small holes in the
servo tray to better fit and tighten the zip-tie. We located the
programming button on the bottom side of the box, allowing us to
re-program it if that ever became necessary. At this point, we
suggest making a final test of the system using the transmitter.
Last, the LED bulb needs to be mounted in a location that is easy
to see. As mentioned earlier, we mounted our LED bulb against
the forward fuselage cabin former, at the top. This location works
well for us even on very sunny days. A scrap piece 1/8” lite-ply
works great for this purpose. Simply drill it to accept the bulb and
install it with against the former. Press the bulb in place and secure
it with a drop of thin CA glue.
Receiver: The receiver is mounted to the bottom center of the
servo tray, immediately next to the throttle servo. First, insert the
flap Miracle Y harness into the appropriate flap channel receptacle.
The standard aileron Y harness is installed into the receiver next.
Note that because the two aileron Y leads from most standard Y
harnesses are so short, they will both need 6” servo extensions in
order to reach the aileron leads at the top of the fuselage. Plug
these extensions in place and secure them with short lengths of
heat shrink tubing. Plug the now prepared aileron Y harness into
the receiver aileron receptacle. Cut some sheet foam to size to
wrap the receiver, leaving access to the remaining rudder, throttle,
elevator and switch harness receptacles. As shown, we used two
zip-ties to secure the foam-wrapped receiver in place to the servo
tray. With the receiver now in place, make the remaining servo
connections. We used shorter zip-ties to organize and secure any
excess or loose servo cables.
In order to comfortably reach the flap and aileron connectors at the
wing roots of the top wing panels, we routed one of the aileron Y
harness leads and one of the flap Miracle Y leads through the
servo tray and up against the center window cabin former on one
side of the fuselage. We did the same thing on the opposite side
of the fuselage. We then used a small zip tie to secure the leads