1) The completed fuel tank is now installed into the nose of
the model. As mentioned earlier, the fuel tank has an offset neck.
The correct orientation of the tank in the tank compartment is with
the neck "up" when viewed from the front. Prepare the tank for
installation by first applying a generous bead of silicon sealer
around the neck of the fuel tank. For this we use typical bathroom
type silicon that comes in tubes, available in most hardware stores.
From the bottom wing saddle opening on the fuselage, insert the
tank into the tank compartment. Feed the two silicon fuel lines
through the round opening in the firewall, and then push the fuel
tank firmly in place against the backside of the firewall. Press the
tank firmly, compressing the silicon sealer to make a good seal.
2) From Bag #17, locate the 9 mm x 12 mm x 90 mm balsa
fuel tank retainer. This piece of balsa works as a "wedge" between
the bottom rear face of the fuel tank and the plywood sub former
just behind it. It may require some trimming to fit correctly. Trial-fit
it in place and then remove it for any trimming that may be
required. To install it, simply center it and press it in place and then
apply thin CA glue along the former/retainer joint. The retainer
holds the securely and is also still easy to remove, should the need
arise to remove the tank from the fuselage.
The two labeled fuel lines will be left unconnected for now until the
cowl and muffler system is installed in the following steps.
The fiberglass cowl is now initially fitted over the engine and onto
the fuselage. As received in the kit, the cowl comes with four
T2.6 x 8 mm PWA mounting screws in a small bag taped to the
larger bag containing the cowl. Locate these screws and have
them ready. As mentioned earlier, the muffler, header, and needle
valve should be removed from the engine for now.
Doing this now avoids any confusion later when connecting the fuel
lines to their proper locations on the fueling valve and/or engine.
Secure the stopper assembly in the tank body by tightening the
compression bolt in the center of the stopper. Tighten this bolt
firmly, causing the rubber stopper to compress and expand in the
tank's hole, creating a secure seal around the neck of the tank.
If you plan to use a gasoline engine in your Waco SRE, then you
must assemble your fuel tank using gas compatible parts.
Because gasoline attacks and destroys the typical silicon fuel
tubing used for glow engines, as well as the rubber stoppers used
in most R/C fuel tanks, these items must be replaced with gasoline
compatible parts.
Sullivan Products makes a neat
"Gasoline/Diesel" Fuel Tank Conversion Kit (P/N 484) for this very
purpose. This little package includes a gas compatible stopper,
Tygon fuel pick-up tubing and
a molded nylon front and rear
compression plates. Du-Bro
Products also makes a
replacement tank stopper for
gasoline use (P/N 400) and
Tygon fuel line (P/N 799).
Note that the Waco SRE fuel
tank is usable with either
the Sullivan or Du-Bro
replacement stoppers.
Remember to use only gas
compatible fuel tubing for gas
engines, such as Tygon.
The fuel tank body itself is gas compatible and can be assembled
in the same way as described earlier, using a replacement gas
stopper and Tygon fuel lines.