The engine is now temporally installed on the mounts to locate the
throttle pushrod.
11) For the YS engine you will need to rotate the throttle arm
to clear the motor mount and tank.
Check your engine
installation and adjust as needed. Use a pencil to mark the firewall
at the point where the throttle pushrod will be placed.
12) Remove the engine from the mounts and use a 13/64" drill
bit to make a hole through the firewall at the mark just made.
Insert the nylon pushrod housing through this hole and pull it
through one of the oval holes in the tank compartment bulkhead,
into the servo area. Note that it will have a slight arc or bend in it
from the firewall to where the servo output arm will be. Use epoxy
or CA glue to mount the throttle housing tube in place with its end
flush with the front of the firewall.
13) The throttle servo is now mounted in place in the fuselage.
The servo can be mounted on either the left or right side of the
fuselage, depending upon which side the throttle pushrod housing
is closest to. From parts bag #20, locate the plywood throttle tube
retaining bracket.
Slide the bracket over the throttle pushrod
tubing. Trim it's length to position and hold the pushrod housing
tubing in alignment with the throttle servo arm. Glue the bracket to
panel. Securely attach the servo bay end of the string to the
connecting plug of the 6" extension. Gently pull on the opposite
end of the string to pull the servo extension through the wing while
feeding them into the servo opening in the wing. Take your time
and do not pull too hard on the string. It is sometimes helpful to
stand the wing vertical when trying to feed the extension through
the openings in each of the wing ribs. When the extension is
through the opening at the center of the wing, tape it in place to
keep it from slipping back into the wing. Screw the hatches in
place using M2 X 8mm PWA screws provided. Plug the servo
leads into the "Y" harness and secure with heat shrink tube or
8) Tape the lower ailerons in the neutral position, turn on the
radio and recheck the servos for neutral. Adjust the length of the
pushrod by turning the R/C links in or out until the connecting pin
matches the outer hole of the control horn. Snap the R/C Link in
place onto the horn. Using the radio, check for correct movement.
Turn off your radio and set the wing aside for now.
Before starting work on the fuselage it is advisable to
temporarily remove the windshield and set it aside for now.
Because you will be working with the fuselage upside down quite
a bit, doing this saves the windshield from damage during
9) The YS-63S fits with the bolts centered in the slots of the
motor mounts. Move the mounts slightly, if needed, to fit your
engine properly and tighten the bolts using blue Loctite
to keep
them secured.
10) With the motor mounts now in place, it is time to locate the
engine on the mounts and drill the mounts for the mounting bolts.
Position the engine on the mounts so that the distance from the
face of the prop drive washer to the firewall is 4-11/16". Make sure
the engine is sitting square in the mounts, and then mark the
mount for drilling the four mounting bolt holes through the mount
arms. These holes should be clearance holes for the bolt size that
is proper for your engine. We prefer to use socket head cap bolts,
aircraft lock nuts, and lock washers on our airplanes for the extra
strength and ease of installation.
With the variety of engines that are
available today, it is not practical to pre-drill the holes in
the firewall for the nylon pushrod housing.
Each engine
manufacturer has the carburetor mounted in a different
positions and/or orientations. The following photos show how
we installed our YS engine in the Sun Dancer 50, but these
instructions should be similar for other engines as well.