swaging tube towards the rigging coupler. Use pliers or a crimping
tool to squeeze the copper tube tightly over the cable to lock it in
place. Cut off the excess short end of the cable and secure the
joint with a small drop of thin CA glue, wicked into each swaging
tube. Adjust the threaded R/C links until you get both pull-pull
cables to approximately the same mild tension. It is not necessary
to pull the cables extremely tight.
35) Remove the tape holding the rudder in place, turn on the
radio system and test the movement direction and centering of the
rudder. Make adjustments if needed. When satisfied with the
operation of the pull-pull system, tighten the knurled stop nut on
each rigging coupler up against the end of the R/C Links to lock
the links in place.
36) The two tail wheel centering springs are now installed.
These springs connect the "T" bracket on the bottom of the rudder
to the tail wheel steering arm, just above the tail wheel itself.
These springs are installed and bent to impart just a little tension
on the tail wheel bracket, centering the tail wheel with the rudder.
Install the two springs making sure the tail wheel is centered with
the rudder when it is in the neutral position.
Use needle nose pliers to bend loops in one end of the each spring
and hook these loops into the holes of the metal "T" bracket on the
bottom of the rudder. With the rudder and the tail wheel both in the
neutral position, apply a small amount of tension to one of the
springs and using pliers, make a 90
bend in the wire at the hole
location on the tail wheel steering arm. Insert the wire into the
steering arm and make another 90
bend back toward the center
of the spring, forming a loop.
Repeat this procedure with the
remaining spring. Do not over stretch the springs when doing this.
A little bit of tension is all you need. The springs should center the
tail wheel to the rudder when it is at neutral. Turn on your radio
system to check the movement of the rudder and tail wheel. If
there is any binding, correct it. Finally, wrap several turns of the
wire around itself to lock it into place and snip off the excess.
37) Using your radio system, center the elevator servo making
sure the trim lever is also centered. Mount the elevator servo
output arm in place at 90
to the side of the servo, pointed up
toward the bottom of the stabilizer. Use tape to hold the elevators
in the neutral position to the horizontal stabilizer.
Attach the
Z-bend end of the pushrod into the servo output arm, using the
second hole from the end of the arm. Adjust the threaded R/C link
to fit into the last hole of the elevator horn. Remove the tape
holding the elevators in neutral and test the movement of the
elevators with your transmitter. Adjust the R/C link as required to
get the elevators exactly at neutral.
Note: It is important that the distance between the pull-pull cable
attach points at both the servo and rudder horns are as close to
the same as possible.
34) Use tape to hold the rudder in the neutral position. Prepare
the two R/C links and the rigging couplers by first centering the
R/C links in the middle of the threads of the rigging coupler. Then
thread the knurled stop nut up snuggly against the R/C Link. Snap
the R/C links and rigging couplers in place into the proper holes in
each rudder control horn. Turn your radio system on and make
sure the rudder servo arm is centered and that the rudder trim on
the transmitter is also centered. Slip one of the copper swage
tubes onto the end of the cable at the rear of the fuselage. Thread
the end of the cable through the small hole in the end of the rig-
ging coupler and take up the slack in the cable. Loop the end of
the cable back and run it through the copper swaging tube and
slide the swaging tube up to within 1/2" of the rigging coupler. Do
not crimp the swaging tube at this time. Repeat this procedure for
the remaining pull-pull cable. Next, with the rudder still taped in the
neutral position, remove any excess slack from both of the pull-pull
cables by pulling on the short end of the cable and sliding the