When the glue is dry, trim the excess length from the throttle cable. Bend the end
over about 1/2" and insert the end back through the servo connector so there is a
double thickness of cable passing through the connector. Adjust the throttle for
full throw and tighten the screw in the servo connector.
Install the propeller and spinner onto the motor. Install the muffler onto the motor
and connect the feed and vent lines.
NOTE: The pylon feature found on flying boats such as the Sealane are more
sensitive to vibration than a traditional fuselage mounted motor. For this reason it
is important that you balance the propeller / spinner assembly to minimize
If you are installing the optional landing
gear on the model, bend the front main
landing gear legs to the shape shown
on the plan. Insert the front landing gear
into the tube in the model. Position it so
that it is vertical (perpendicular to the
fuselage centerline) and tighten the
wheel collar inside the fuselage to lock
it into position. Bend the rear strut to fit
against the forward strut. Wrap the
connection with copper wire and solder
together securely. Now install the
wheels and retain them with wheel
Bend the tailwheel wire to shape. Epoxy
parts A, B, and C together with the tail
wheel wire sandwiched in the middle.
When the glue sets, mount the tail
wheel to the axle. Insert this assembly
into the slot in the bottom of the rudder.
Drill the mounting holes and use 2-56 screws and nuts to hold the tailwheel assembly in place.
Wrap the airborne battery pack in foam and place it in a small plastic bag for waterproofing. Attach the extension cable that
came with your radio to the battery pack. Insert the battery pack into the fuselage and all the way forward in the nose of the
model. There should be enough foam to wedge the battery in place and hold it from sliding around.
Wrap the receiver in foam rubber. Drill a small hole in the top of the fuselage immediately behind the wing. Place the
receiver in the fuselage and route the antenna back and out through the hole in the top of the fuselage. The loose end of
the antenna should be secured to the top of the fin. Connect the aileron, rudder, elevator, and throttle servos to the
receiver. Wrap the receiver in a small plastic bag for waterproofing. Place the receiver in the fuselage just ahead of the
servo tray. There should be enough foam to wedge the receiver in place and hold it from sliding around.
Bolt the wing to the model. Bolt the tip floats in place. Balance the model at the location shown on the plan. This should be
done with the fuel tank empty. Add weight to the nose or tail until the proper balance is achieved.
Set the control throws as shown on the plan. Check that the control surfaces move in the proper direction when you move
the sticks on the transmitter.
Always pre-flight your model thoroughly before each flight. Always range check your radio before each flight. It is your
responsibility to verify that your model is airworthy. Always follow established safety guidelines while starting and operating
the engine, radio, and while flying the model.
Содержание Sealane
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