d) Secure the control horn and clamp in place with the M2
nuts. Be sure they are tight but do not crush the aileron
surface. Apply a small amount of blue Loctite
to the nut
and bolt. Repeat these steps to mount a control horn on
the other wing panel.
6) Assemble and install the aileron pushrods.
a) Pre-assemble the pushrods by first placing the small
pieces of fuel tubing over the threaded ends of the
clevis. Screw a clevis onto both ends of the wire
pushrods. Screw the clevis on until it is centered on the
threaded portion of the pushrod. This will allow for equal
adjustment either way in the next step.
b) Attach one end of the pushrod to the aileron servo arm.
Check that the aileron and the aileron servo are both in
neutral position, and then adjust the overall length of the
pushrod until the other end of the pushrod can be
attached to the control horn.
c) When finished adjusting the length of the pushrod,
tighten the M2 Hex Nut up against the back of each
clevis. To insure that the metal clevis can’t open up and
come loose from the control horn, slide the short piece
of fuel tubing over the arms of the clevis. Repeat these
steps for the other aileron pushrod.
7) This is a good time to refer ahead to the section of this
manual titled CONTROL SURFACE TRAVEL and make final
adjustments to the operation of the ailerons.
For the following steps you will need:
(2) Nylon Control Horns w/ Clamp
(6) M2 x 30mm Bolts for control horns
(6) M2 Hex Nuts for control horns
(2) 3-3/8" long Pushrods for flaps
(4) Metal Clevis w/ M2.7 thread
(4) Short pieces of Fuel Tubing
Unlike the ailerons, the flap servos both need to travel
in the same direction. The way we achieved this in our airplane
was to use a "reversing" Y-harness to operate both servos in the
same direction off of just one receiver port or channel. That is
the method described in this manual. However, there are other
options that can be used to operate flaps.
Alternate Method #1: You could use a standard Y-harness (more
readily available than the reversing type) by simply flipping one
of the flap servos over to face the same direction as the other
flap servo. In other words the arms for both flap servos would
be on the right (or left) side of the airplane, instead of mirror
image like the aileron servos always are. To do this on the
RASCAL 110, you would need to also flip one of the flap servo
hatches, and adjust the control horn location.
Alternate Method #2: You can eliminate the need for any
Y-harness if you have an extra channel available on your
computer radio and the two available channels can be "mixed".
Plug each flap servo into separate channels, and then program
them to move in the same direction.
8) Install the nylon control horns for the flaps the same way
you did the aileron control horns in step 5.
9) At this point connect up your radio system so that you
can operate the flap servos. Make sure your transmitter's flap
control (knob or switch) is set to the "flap up" position, and then
turn on the radio system. The correct position for both flap
servo arms when in the flap up position is for the arms to be
angled back towards the wing trailing edge approximately 45
Reposition your flap servo arms if necessary.
With the transmitter set to the "flap down" position, the servo
arms should both pull towards the wing leading edge. If your
down flap motion moves the servo arms towards the flaps
instead of towards the wing leading edge, then you need to
reverse the direction of the flap channel in your transmitter.
Activate the transmitter flap control several times to make sure
the flap servo arms are in the correct position and the flap
servos are both traveling together in the right direction. If all is
correct, put the flaps servos in the full up position (servo arms
towards the trailing edge) and turn the radio off.
10) Assemble and install the flap pushrods like you did the
aileron pushrods in step 6.
11) This is a good time to refer ahead to the section of this
manual titled CONTROL SURFACE TRAVEL and make final
adjustments to the operation of the flaps.
The wings of your RASCAL 110 are now complete and ready to
use. Set them aside for now.