the recommended starting point, rolls will be slow, especially so
with engines at the lower end of the recommended range.
However, with a little practice rolls can become axial, smooth,
and almost elegant. Inverted flight is easy and we've found that
it takes very little down elevator input to hold it in level flight.
We've learned to snap roll the RASCAL 110 very effectively by
entering the snap at quarter-throttle or more. It's amazing to
see 9+ feet of wing move that quickly! Likewise, we've learned
to enter a spin, again using a quarter-throttle or better entry.
The airplane enters a spin very nicely and will instantly stop
rotating when the controls are released. We make both the
snap roll and spin entries using hard rudder, up elevator, and
hard-over ailerons.
Like all of the SIG RASCAL models, the rudder is exceptional-
ly powerful on the RASCAL 110. You'll find that cross control
maneuvers such as side slips, knife-edge flight, flat turns, etc. -
are a lot of fun with this airplane. If you're flying from a short
field or a field with trees and need to get the airplane down at a
higher angle than the normal approach sink rate, try side slip-
ping it into the field. The RASCAL 110 can be side slipped
(cross-controlled ailerons and rudder) at very high angles of
decent, at surprisingly low speeds.
Landing the RASCAL 110 is a pleasure. No matter what your
level of R/C expertise is, understand that the RASCAL 110 wing
is 1522 square inches in area and this amount of square
footage is going to want to stay flying! Therefore, your landing
approach should take into account the airplane's impressive
glide ratio. The flaps have been added to the design to help
curb the floating. With practice and becoming accustomed to
the glide of this airplane, you'll soon be landing at very low
speeds, putting the airplane wherever you want it on the runway
- either with or without using the flaps.
In all of this, we're willing to bet that you'll never tire of those
long, slow, low altitude fly-bys and touch- and-go landings.
What a super looking and flying airplane!
We sincerely hope that your RASCAL 110 ARF will provide you
with many, many enjoyable flights for many flying seasons to
come. We also hope that this has been an enjoyable kit for you
to assemble and fly. Please always operate your airplane in a
safe, responsible manner with constant regard to other flyers,
spectators, and property.
Good luck and safe flying!
A Rascal landing with an onboard camera mounted on top of the
wing. The Rascal 110 is a versatile workhorse and can be used for
aerotowing gliders, parachute and candy drops, banner towing, and
just about any other load carrying task.
Here is another Rascal 110 with an onboard camera, this time
mounted on the bottom between the landing gear legs.
With it’s light wing loading and terrific flight performance the
Rascal 110 makes a great float plane. This one uses an O.S.
Gemini Twin 1.60 4-stroke for power. Floats approximately 56-60
inches long are recommended for the Rascal 110.