31) Install an axle in the bottom holes of the Aluminum Main
Landing Gear. Secure the axle with the 7.6mm Hex Nut. When
tightening the nut, keep the flats of the hex head of the axle (on
the side where the wheel pant will mount) parallel to the front
edge of the leg - see photo. This allows the hex head to fit
inside the notch in the wheel pants, when they are added later.
32) Slide a 4mm wheel collar onto the axle shaft. Leave
about a 3/8" gap between the wheel collar and the axle nut, to
provide proper spacing of the wheel in the wheel pant. Orient
the wheel collar so the set screw is pointing towards the
bottom of the landing gear. Tighten the wheel collar set screw
33) Slide one of the 4" main wheels onto the axle. Make
sure that the wheel spins freely. Then slide a second wheel
collar onto the axle and up to the wheel. Leave just enough gap
so the wheel spins freely. Orient the wheel collar so the set
screw is pointing towards the bottom of the landing gear, and
then tighten the set screw.
Check the orientation of the landing gear to make sure you
know which way is forward. In side view, the leading edge (or
front) of the landing gear is straight, while the trailing edge (or
rear) is slightly angled. Be sure to mount the landing gear and
the wheel pants in the correct direction in the next steps!
34) Set the wheel pant in place over the wheel, and line it up
with the mounting holes in the aluminum landing gear. Using
two M3 x 12mm socket-head bolts to fasten the wheel pant to
the gear.
35) Attach the landing gear to the bottom of the fuselage
using four M4 x 20mm Socket-Head Bolts and four M4
Split-Ring Lock Washers. Tighten these four mounting bolts
firmly in place.
Skip this section if you're using an electric motor.
As mentioned in the front of this manual, due to the wide
variety and configuration of different brand glow and gas
engines, and their different engine mount and fuel tank
requirements, we have not included any engine mount or fuel
tank in this kit. Rather than put in an engine mount and fuel
tank that most of you won't be able to use, we are leaving it up
to you to supply your own to fit your particular engine.
36) When mounting your engine keep in mind the following
design parameters.
The fuselage has been built with the correct right and down
thrust already incorporated into the firewall.
These are:
Right Thrust
Down Thrust
The firewall has been laser etched with the location of the true
vertical and horizontal thrust lines, for placement of your engine
mounts. Note that the vertical thrust is off-center to the left,
allowing for the built-in right thrust. The horizontal thrust line is
offset slightly high, to allow for the down thrust. Be sure to
center your engine at these locators in order for the cowling to
fit properly. Using a straight edge and sharp pencil, extend the
horizontal and vertical thrust lines to the edges of the firewall.