29) Complete the ends of the leadout cables as follows:
a) Slide one of the brass crimp sleeves over the end of one of
the leadout wires and up towards the wingtip, past the mark
you made in the previous step.
b) Bend the leadout wire 180
at your mark and insert the
loose end of the leadout back through the crimp sleeve,
creating a loop in the end of the cable.
c) Insert a brass eyelet into the loop and slide the crimp sleeve
up tight against the brass eyelet. Make sure the mark on the
cable stays at the outside edge of the loop.
d) Crimp the sleeve in 2-3 places as shown with a round jawed
”snipe” nose pliers (such as X-Acto #75050). Use the fattest
part of the jaws of the pliers when crimping the sleeve, in
order to maximize the radius of the crimps and avoid
kinking the leadout wire.
e) Trim off the excess leadout wire. Put a small drop of epoxy
glue at each end of the crimp sleeve and let dry.
f) Repeat these steps for the other leadout wire.
NOTE: There are other common ways to make leadout ends, and
experienced control-line fliers may have a slightly different method
that they prefer. We have found the method shown here to be
completely satisfactory and safe for the Primary Force, provided a
proper crimping pliers is used, like the one shown.
The decals supplied with the Primary Force are Mylar
with an extremely aggressive adhesive. These decals are not
die-cut. Each design must be cut from the sheet with a sharp #11
hobby knife or a sharp scissors.
Small decals can be easily applied to the model by simply
removing the paper backing sheet, and then laying the decal in
position and pressing it in place with your finger.
For the larger decals we suggest the following method of
a) Carefully cut out the decal with a hobby knife.
b) Peel the paper backing sheet completely off the decal, being
careful not to let the sticky side double over and adhere to
c) Use a product like SIG Pure Magic Model Airplane Cleaner,
, or Windex
to spray the area of the model that
will receive the decal. Then spray the adhesive side of the
decal as well.
d) Lightly place the decal onto the wet surface of the model.
The liquid cleaner solution will keep the decal from actually
sticking to the model until you have had time to shift it
around into exact position. Once in position, use a piece of
stiff cardboard (or sheet balsa, thin plywood, or a SIG
SH678 EPOXY SPREADER) to squeegee the excess liquid
cleaner out from under the decal. Squeegee repeatedly,
removing all excess liquid and any air bubbles. Mop up the
liquid with a paper towel. Allow to dry overnight.
e) When completely dry, wash off any soapy smears with a
clean wet rag.
All airplanes must be properly balanced to achieve good flight
characteristics, and the balance of an aerobatic airplane like the
Primary Force is especially critical. Balancing this model should
be approached with patience and care.
For initial test flying and familiarization purposes, we suggest a
starting balance point of:
of the Mean Aerodynamic Chord
which is
behind the leading
edge of the wing at the fuselage
IMPORTANT NOTE: Balanced means the airplane sets perfectly
level when supported at the desired balance point - NOT slightly
nose down or nose up - PERFECTLY FLAT LEVEL!