26) Bolt the main landing gear legs to the fuselage as follows:
a) Flow a couple drops of Thin CA into the two holes in the
fuselage for the main landing gear attachment bolts. This
seals the wood from fuel and oil. Let dry.
b) Insert two M3 x 25mm phillips-head bolts through the
mounting holes of one of the main landing gear legs. Run
these bolts through the mounting holes in the fuselage,
holding the landing gear leg tight against the fuselage.
c) Place the other landing gear leg over the protruding bolts on
the other side of the fuselage, and then screw on the M3
lock nuts. Tighten securely.
27) Use a 2.5mm hex wrench or ball driver to adjust the leadout
guide at the wing tip. The leadout guide adjustment bolt should be
located 2-3/8” aft of the wing leading edge (or 6-11/16” forward of
the trailing edge) for the first test flight.
28) Lock the elevators in neutral position as you did in Step 23e,
using two pieces of scrap balsa stick and a couple rubber bands.
Then pull both leadout wires tight at the wing tip with one hand,
while you measure out 2-1/2" from the wing tip and mark both
leadouts together at this point.
h) Once you have the pushrod locked in the connector, hold
the bellcrank in neutral position while you check the position
of the elevators. If necessary, adjust the overall length of the
pushrod by screwing the clevis in or out until the elevators
are in perfect neutral when the bellcrank is in neutral. When
you’ve finished the adjustment, slide the clevis retainer
spring over the clevis, and then tighten the clevis lock nut up
against the back of the clevis.
24) Install the tailwheel assembly on the bottom of the fuselage,
as follows:
a) Trial fit the tailwheel wire into the pre-cut slot in the bottom
of the fuselage. The wire should fit completely in the slot,
flush with the surface of the fuselage.
b) Hold the two metal straps in position over the tailwheel wire
and mark the locations for the four mounting screws. Drill
four pilot holes with a 3/64" dia. bit.
c) Place a small drop of Thin CA in each drilled hole for fuel
d) Remove the tailwheel wire and coat the inside of the slot
with Thin CA for fuel proofing. Let dry.
e) Re-insert the tailwheel wire into the slot and secure in place
with the metal straps and four M2 x 8mm screws.
25) Assemble the main landing gear legs in this order.
a) Slide one of the flat metal washers onto the M3 x 25mm
phillips-head axle bolt, all the way up to the head of the bolt.
b) Next slide the wheel bushing onto the axle, and then the
main wheel over the bushing.
c) Add two more flat metal washer, which serve as spacers
between the wheel and the wheel pant.
d) Insert the axle assembly through the axle hole in the wheel
pant and then through the bottom hole of the landing gear leg.
e) Complete the assembly with another flat metal washer and
a lock nut against the gear leg. Tighten securely. Make sure
the wheel turns freely.
f) Repeat this sequence to assemble the other main landing
gear leg, wheel, and wheel pant.