Locate and remove the metal inspection plate just under the oven box door. Behind this
plate you will have access to the oven voids and can use a shop-vac or scraper tool to
remove the soot that may deposit over time. Many of the voids are also accessible from
the top of the stove once the lid has been removed.
Mica Window
It is important to keep the mica clean to see the condition of the flame and where the
flames are burning. It must also keep the combustion chamber air tight in order to burn
correctly. We recommend having an extra on hand. To replace the mica remove the nine
screws from the window frame and remove the old mica sheet. Use the frame as a
template and use a sharp object to pierce the mica to make the new screw holes.
Trouble Shooting
No fuel in the bottom of the burner
Check the tank is vented or the pump has power and all shut-offs are open.
Disconnect the fuel outlet on the bottom of the valve, and let the valve drip into a
container to test if the fuel is getting into the valve.
Blow through copper fuel line to clear any obstruction into the burner before
reconnecting fuel outlet.
Check for air lock by tapping copper line when turning on the fuel for the first time
after reconnecting.
Hard carbon on the bottom of the burner
The burner is getting too much air and needs a higher fuel setting, turn down the fan
or turn off, open the barometric flap a little more.
Soot on the window, in the chimney or on the deck
The burner is getting too much fuel and needs a lower fuel setting, turn on the fan or
increase the fan speed, close the barometric flap a little.
Burner Floods
The burner is getting too much fuel when lighting the burner and needs more air to
burn off the fuel on start up. The valve may have been left on too long and too much
fuel was in the burner before lighting, or not turning the valve off during the
preheating of the burner. If the draft is extremely poor and smoke is coming out of the
heater into the cabin. For all these reasons the fan will add the air to burn off the fuel.
Cannot get the flames to burn above the top burner ring
The burner is getting too much air and needs a higher fuel setting, turn down the fan
or turn off, open the barometric flap a little more.