It is important to know that although you can re-calibrate your valve to each variation of
fuel, you can also adjust the way you operate the heater/stove to compensate for these
variations. If the oil is thicker than usual, open the valve more or use less fan. If the fuel
is thin, run the fan more to burn off the fuel.
Fuel Flow Measurement
If your heater/stove is burning rich (making soot or smoking) or burning lean (flames not
burning above the top burner ring), adjust the flow as follows regardless of what type of
1) Unscrew the nut from the bottom of the valve and bend away the copper fuel
line. Allow the oil to drip into a cup or container.
2) Turn the valve knob to the #1 setting. Measure the quantity of oil dripping
slowly from the fuel outlet.
Knob Setting 1 (model 100 & 120) 1 teaspoon in 105 seconds (2.5 c.c.'s / minute)
Model 170 & 180 1 teaspoon in 90 seconds (3 c.c.'s / minute)
Model 200 & 250 1 teaspoon in 75 seconds (3.5 c.c.'s / minute)