TC63 AT Command Set
2.14 AT^SCFG
Page 60 of 501
Confidential / Draft - Do not copy
GSM 850 MHz
GSM 900 MHz + GSM 1800 MHz
GSM 900 MHz + GSM 1900 MHz
GSM 850 MHz + GSM 1800 MHz
GSM 850 MHz + GSM 1900 MHz
all bands
Preferred radio band(s)
The parameter
may be one of the single bands or one of the four dualband combinations listed below.
All preferred bands must be contained in the range of allowed bands (see
), otherwise the write command
will return ERROR. Invalid combinations will neither be accepted, resulting in "+CME ERROR: invalid index". To
give priority to a certain single band or band combination and suppress all others simply select the same value
both for
primarily serves to trigger the network search, i.e. it is only used one time for searching and selecting a
network. As the currently used band depends on the availability of the allowed networks the value indicated by
may be different from
. Also, next time a network search is necessary, for example after restart,
the ME will first try to reselect the network last used, which may be different from the value of
last given.
Therefore, the setting of
will not be saved.
The value range of
is "1...12", but only the bands or band selections listed below are allowed. Trying to
set an unsupported value will be denied with "ERROR". To select or deselect a band calculate the sum of the
values of all desired bands and enter the resulting value. For example, for GSM 1800 MHz (2) and GSM 850
MHz (8) please enter the value (10).
GSM 900 MHz
GSM 1800 MHz
GSM 1900 MHz
GSM 850 MHz
GSM 900 MHz + GSM 1800 MHz
GSM 900 MHz + GSM 1900 MHz
GSM 850 MHz + GSM 1800 MHz
GSM 850 MHz + GSM 1900 MHz
Currently selected radio band(s)
The band(s) indicated with
are all allowed bands found at a location area. This means, if prompted to
select a network the ME will search for these networks only. The value can be either a single band or a dualband
is only a response parameter returned either after sending the read command
? or writing
In addition to
and to allow the subscriber to be notified whenever the selected band changes it is recom-
mended to activate the "
" (see Section
GSM 900 MHz
GSM 1800 MHz
GSM 1900 MHz
GSM 850 MHz
GSM 900 MHz + GSM 1800 MHz
GSM 900 MHz + GSM 1900 MHz
GSM 850 MHz + GSM 1800 MHz
GSM 850 MHz + GSM 1900 MHz