TC63 AT Command Set
1.4 AT Command Syntax
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Combining AT commands on the same command line
You may enter several AT commands on the same line. This eliminates the need to type the "AT" or "at" prefix
before each command. Instead, it is only needed once at the beginning of the command line. Use a semicolon
as command delimiter.
The table below lists the AT commands you cannot enter together with other commands on the same line. Oth-
erwise, the responses may not be in the expected order.
Note: When concatenating AT commands please keep in mind that the sequence of processing may be different
from the sequential order of command input. Therefore, if the consecutive order of the issued commands and
the associated responses is your concern, avoid concatenating commands on the same line.
AT command type
V.250 commands
with FAX commands (Prefix AT+F)
GSM 7.07 commands
with Siemens commands, Prefix AT^S)
GSM 7.05 commands (SMS)
To be used standalone
Commands starting with AT&
To be used standalone
To be used standalone