TC63 AT Command Set
19.7 AT^SSPI
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19.7.2 Transmitting Data over AT Interface
This section provides information on the protocol used for data transmission to or from I²C devices and explains
the data mode. It is assumed that you are familiar with the I²C specification.
Throughout this section the following document conventions are used to mark the direction of send and receive:
Transfer Message: AT
I²C device driver
Response Message: AT
I²C device driver
Channel Open / Close:
To change from command mode to data mode use the
write command. To close down the channel
and return to command mode send the ASCII code # (0x23).
ASCII Protocol for I²C communication over AT interface:
The protocol allows using a Terminal program for the communication between the module and the I²C slave
device. To visualize transferred characters and response data it is recommended to run the Terminal program
in chat mode or to switch on local echo.
For transfer and response, special characters are defined, such as Start and Stop to mark a single message and
Close to disconnect the data channel. All valid special characters are listed below:
Table 19.3:
Special characters for ASCII coding
AT - Driver
Function in protocol
Hex value
Start Transfer Message
Special character sent to the I²C driver to
start sending.
Stop Transfer Message
Special character sent to the I²C driver to
stop sending.
Channel Close
For signalling.
Channel Close can be sent any time inside
or outside a transmit or receive message.
Causes the transfer to be aborted and
takes the ME back to AT command mode.
Start Response Message {
Special character sent to the I²C driver to
mark the beginning of a Response Mes-
Stop Response Message }
Special character sent to the I²C driver to
mark the end of a Response Message.
Protocol error
For signalling.
Reports to the AT interface that the Trans-
fer Frame does not comply with the proto-
col definition (syntax error).
Transmission OK
(in I²C protocol referred to
as ACK)
Notifies the AT interface that data were
successfully transmitted or the I²C Slave
Address was recognized.
Transmission error
(in I²C protocol referred to
as NAK)
Notifies the AT interface that data transmis-
sion failed or the I²C Slave Address was
not recognized. On the I²C bus, the faulty
data byte (16 bit byte counter) is identified
as well.