Time delay
0.00 s to 60.00 s
Increments of 0.01 s
Pickup delay
0.00 s to 320.00 s
Increments of 0.01 s
Dropout ratio
0.90 to 0.99
Increments of 0.01
V< faulty ph-gnd vltg.
0.300 V to 200.000 V
Increments of 0.001 V
V> healthy ph-gnd. vltg.
0.300 V to 200.000 V
Increments of 0.001 V
The greater dropout differential (=
| pickup value – dropout value |
) of the following 2 criteria
Dropout differential derived from the parameter
Dropout ratio
If this parameter is not available, a dropout ratio of 95 % applies for the overvoltage and of 105 % for the
undervoltage functionality.
Minimum absolute dropout differential
150 mV sec.
Operate time with time delay = 0 ms
Standard filter, true RMS
Approx. 25 ms + OOT
at 50 Hz
Approx. 22 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
2 cycle filters
Approx. 45 ms + OOT at 50 Hz
Approx. 39 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Dropout time
Standard filter, true RMS
Approx. 20 ms + OOT at 50 Hz
Approx. 17 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
2 cycle filters
Approx. 31 ms + OOT at 50 Hz
Approx. 27 ms + OOT at 60 Hz
Frequency Operating Range
0.9 ≤ f/f
≤ 1.1
According to specified tolerances
10 Hz ≤ f < 0.9 f
1.1 f
< f ≤ 90 Hz
Slightly expanded tolerances
f < 10 Hz
f > 90 Hz
0.5 % of the setting value or 0.05 V
Time delays
1 % of the setting value or 10 ms
OOT (Output Operating Time) additional delay of the output medium used, see chapter
Technical Data
11.19 Voltage Protection
SIPROTEC 5, Low-Impedance Busbar Protection, Manual
C53000-G5040-C019-C, Edition 04.2021