Message for the SINUMERIK Integrate installation
The user setting "Admin" may fail because of different settings. You receive an error message,
e.g. "SinInt.Identity.Setup.dll error code: - 3 (Failed to get discovery response from Identity.."
Error correction
Collect the log files from the log directories, and put the files in the installation directory.
The default directory is, e.g.: C:\Siemens\SINUMERIK_Integrate_5\Logs.
Then contact the hotline.
Message for the SINUMERIK Integrate installation
In the case of a separate database installation, no connection to the SQL server can be
established. During the server setup, the following error message is displayed:
"Error 27502. Could not connect to Microsoft SQL Server could be established
Manage MyResources, Optimize MyProgramming /NX-Cam Editor
Installation Manual, 12/2019, A5E44672080B AE