SIMO_CHN Function
3.5 Description of Parameters
SIMOCODE DP PCS 7 Library Migration (Legacy) - V9.0 SP2
Programming and Operating Manual, 09/2019, A5E48307694002A/RS-AA/001
The motor current is transferred as an unsigned 2 byte value on input parameter INBT2_23.
SIMOCODE-DP always transfers the current as a percentage of the set current, in a range
from 0 to 1000%. The motor current is output through output CUR.
The block detects higher-level errors, e.g. a device failure, through the MODE input. Quality
code CUR_QC is taken from the high byte of the MODE input. If the byte = 16#80, the read
values in the process image are valid, otherwise the values are treated as invalid and output
"QCSF" is set.
CUR_QC can have the following values:
Valid value
16#80 or 16#20
Invalid value
Otherwise, e.g. 16#00
The settings in the low word of the MODE input parameter are not considered.
When using the CFC "Generate module driver" function, the MODE input is automatically
linked to the OMODE output at block SIMODIAG or PADP_L00.
Refer OBT2 assignment. (Page 38)