SIMO_CHN Function
3.1 Description
SIMOCODE DP PCS 7 Library Migration (Legacy) - V9.0 SP2
Programming and Operating Manual, 09/2019, A5E48307694002A/RS-AA/001
Simulation mode is switched on through the SIM_ON input and has higher priority than all
other modes.
If SIM_ON=TRUE, the block processes the simulation values (SIM_I01: binary data;
SIM_I23: motor current) instead of the SIMOCODE-DP process values (INBT2_01,
INBT2_23). QSIM and CUR_QC are output accordingly. The process outputs to
SIMOCODE-DP (OBT2_01, OBT2_23) are output as "0" when simulation is switched on.
Output QBAD is set depending on QCSF and QSIM (QBAD= QCSF AND NOT QSIM). In
normal operation (SIM_ON=FALSE), the value corresponds to output QCSF and indicates
an invalid process value. A simulation value can thus be treated as a valid process value for
testing purposes, in the event of an error.
Local / Remote switch-over of the Control Station
The control station can be switched over either by operating the OS (REMON_OP), or by
linkable input REM_L. If REM_SEL=TRUE, input REM_L is active, otherwise control input
REMON_OP is active. The required operator enabling signal QLOCOP is set by REM_SEL
and enable signal LOCOP_EN.
The active control station is output through QREMOTE (1=REMOTE, 0=LOCAL).