SIMO_CHN Function
3.1 Description
SIMOCODE DP PCS 7 Library Migration (Legacy) - V9.0 SP2
Programming and Operating Manual, 09/2019, A5E48307694002A/RS-AA/001
SIMOCODE-DP devices up to and including product level E09 (until May 1998)
Open STEP 7 HW Config. From the Hardware Catalog, Profile standard, navigate to
PROFIBUS Devices – additional field devices – compatible PROFIBUS DP slaves -
Switching Devices –SIMOCODE-DP. Place this device on the PROFIBUS network and
configure it as Basic Type 2.
The I / O addresses for this SIMOCODE-DP must be configured in ascending order,
without gaps. These devices do not support DPV1 data record functions.
The symbols cannot be defined in the hardware configuration, due to the bit-oriented
structure of the inputs and outputs. Therefore, you must enter these symbols directly in
the table as input or output words, so that they can then be linked with the signal block.
The inputs and outputs are accessed through the process image. To do this, parameter
inputs "INBT2_01" (2 binary data bytes) and "INBT2_23" (2 current bytes), and parameter
outputs "OBT2_01" (2 binary data bytes) and "OBT2_23" (2 binary data bytes) are linked
to the associated inputs or outputs of the SIMOCODE-DP device.
Principle of Operation
In program file Templates, the SIMOCODE DP PCS 7 Library Migration (Legacy) -
V9.0 SP2 provides templates for each control function.
The control function dependent parameters, and the messages to appear on the faceplates,
are preset with suitable values in the templates. These templates can be used as models for
making customized automation solutions. To do this, copy the SIMO_CHN block for the
desired control function from the corresponding CFC plan, and insert it in your own CFC
The control function (OVL, DIR, REV, STAR, DAHL, POL, VALVE, POS, SOFT) is
configured at the block through input "SIMO_FCT". Depending on the setting selected, the
corresponding functions are enabled in the block and the various displays in the OS
Module Failure
If an invalid process value is indicated by MODE, outputs QCSF and CUR_QC are set.